Seeking God’s wisdom
Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.” Proverbs 8: 34-36, NIV
If you want to live this life in victory, then you need God’s wisdom. Sometimes, you can’t instantly receive it from God, but you must seek it with all your heart. And only then will you receive the blessings that He prepared. You need wisdom not just to guide you in times of problems, but it should be part of your life. For it will protect you from harm and prepare you for what’s ahead. It is very important.
From the scripture above, we can take note of the following reminders about God’s wisdom:
- You need to earnestly seek it from God.
" Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway."
It means that you need to look for it and do not stop when things are tough. Keep praying, and let God lead you to the place where you can learn more. It takes an intentional decision for you to receive His instructions and revelations. Just be patient and set your eyes on Him. Spend more time to connect to God every day and open up your Bible. Walk closer to His heart and quiet your soul. Only then will you hear His voice.
2. Through God’s wisdom, you will find life and receive favor.
"Through God’s wisdom, you will find life and receive favor."
This is not just an ordinary kind of life, but it is about living the remaining days that you have according to God’s purpose and plans. His wisdom will empower you to reach the desires that God planted in your heart. It will reveal to you the resources that you have so that you can victoriously overcome the obstacles that come your way. And not only that, you will also receive His favor. It means that He will perform miracles in your life, and He will open up doors that no one can shut. God will send you the right people, and He will bring you to the right place according to His perfect timing.
3. Living without wisdom will lead you to harm.
"But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death."
If you don’t choose the wisdom of God, you will end up making decisions that will destroy your life. You will fail to see the consequences behind your actions. And because you rely on your own knowledge and understanding, you will experience situations that will lead you to death. There are only two ways of living this life. You can follow God and listen to His wisdom, or you can live this life according to your own will. You always have a choice. But may you choose what’s right and keep living according to the ways of God.
Your creator gave you the freedom to make decisions. But may you seek His wisdom and ask for His help. May you humble yourself in His presence and choose to follow His ways. Your life will never be the same as long as you allow God to reign. Your perspective will change the moment you follow Him. As long as He gives you the chance to live, keep growing and learning for His glory.