
Serving God in Silence

It’s humbling to know that there are people willing to give their best without expecting anything in return. They are those who serve others in secret. They are those who gladly offer happy sacrifices without any complaints or bitterness, without counting the efforts that they made. Those people are humbly serving God in silence. They are willing to give their life just for others to feel accepted and loved. And no one applauded them in public, but in the Heavenly realms, angels were celebrating, and God Himself was pleased.

In the present day, we can’t easily determine who are those who truly serve God with all their hearts. We never really know them until they are tested through the fire. On the other hand, if we try to look at our lives, we won’t really know how much we are willing to serve God in silence until we go through difficulties. Our hearts will be refined and tested when we face circumstances that we badly hate.

This is the reason why I highly respect those people who are serving God in silence. At some point, I treat them as my mentors and teachers. They are humble people who are not after rewards or recognition. They are those who seek God’s approval above all. They don’t care if someone will see them or not; what they desire the most is to please God. And their hearts were so pure. They weren’t controlled by pride or greed. They weren’t asking other people to treat them with respect.

And contrary to the standards of this world, I greatly honor those people, above all the famous names and celebrities you could name. They are not known. Most of them are working behind the curtains, behind the platforms, behind the stages. For most of them, their voices weren’t heard.

That’s why, if you are one of Jesus’ followers who is serving Him in silence, may this be a reminder for you that you are seen—not by many people but by God and His angels. You are valued. You are treasured. Keep doing what God asked you to do, and everything will never be in vain.

And if you haven’t tried serving God in silence, you can do it now in countless ways. Help a stranger. Be kind to an angry woman. Respect a disrespectful child. Love those who hate you. Forgive those who judge you. Be patient with those who are hot-tempered or moody. Die so that others might live. Love God despite all the bad things that happened. These are just a few steps you could take if you wanted to start serving God in silence.

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