
Someday, You Will Discover The Reason Why God Wants You To Wait

You may wonder why God didn’t give you the things that you prayed for. But someday, you will discover the blessings behind the waiting season in your life. When the time is right, God will open your eyes and He will make you realize the reason why you need to wait for certain things to happen. Just be patient along the process. You will miss the point if you keep on rushing things. Do not be disappointed if God didn’t follow your timeline because at the end of the day, what He is doing is for your own good. You may not see it now, but the time will come when you will learn to appreciate His ways. Stop relying on your own understanding. Instead, choose to trust in Him because He knows what He is doing.

The waiting season is a blessing. It’s actually a moment of growth and maturity. You may not appreciate everything for now because all you see are the hardships and difficulties you encounter, but God will open your eyes in His perfect timing. He will let you see the beauty behind those days when you can’t understand what’s happening. God is building a wonderful treasure deep within your heart. He is transforming you from the inside out. You may not see His hands in this season, but know that He is building your foundation. And when you are ready, God will give you the blessings that He prepared.

Remember that God knows what’s ahead. He is just preparing you so that you will be able to handle the situations that you will be facing in the future. Trust in His great love and let His faithfulness give you the assurance that everything is going to be okay. He holds the time so you don’t have to worry. You may think that everything is too late, but when God moves, He will put all the pieces back together. It’s going to be perfect and beautiful. Yes, it takes time and a long process, but the waiting period is always worth it.

One day, you will learn to thank Him for everything that He is doing behind the scene. You will realize that He can turn things beautiful according to His amazing and unique ways. Do not waste this season and learn to treasure everything that God is doing in your life. Remember that life is a journey. You will not stay in one place forever. You will experience so many ups and downs, and God will also ask you to wait and be patient. When that happens, just put in your heart that God’s plans are greater than what you have in mind.