
Sometimes, God answers your Prayers by giving you Tiny Seeds

God is listening to your prayers, but He answers in ways you can’t easily comprehend. Sometimes, He gives you tiny seeds in the form of simple blessings. You may look at them as something ordinary, but behind what you see is a huge gift that God wants you to treasure. Do not just treat His provisions as simple things. Remember that God treats them as very important. Pray that He will open your mind so that you will have the knowledge and wisdom to take good care of His seeds.

When the perfect time comes, you will realize that all this time, what you’ve been praying for is already in front of you. It takes some time and process for you to see them according to your expectations, but know that the journey is always worth the wait. Have faith and take good care of what you have. One day, you will finally learn to treasure God’s wonderful blessings.

Be a good steward of His small blessings. Maximize what you have and don’t waste them. Be responsible with the resources that God is giving you, and know that behind the tiny blessings you receive from Him are huge trees that will someday bear fruit. It won’t happen in an instant. You need to wait and be patient. There will be seasons when you can’t physically see changes in your life, but keep doing the right thing. Know that deep within, you are building the roots that will strengthen you in times of challenges and problems. What you have right now can be the raw materials of your prayers. You just need to learn how to effectively use them for God’s glory. Don’t be in a hurry. Take your time and learn the process with God.

His answers don’t always meet your expectations. Maybe what you have in mind is already the finished product. That’s why you find it hard to see God’s hands, but what He is giving you right now are tools for you to reach that place where you can see the exact thing that you’ve been praying for. He is giving you seeds that you still need to take good care of and properly steward. In such a way, your character will also be developed as you continue to learn how to manage His blessings.

There are so many things in life that you can’t easily understand. And God allows them so that you will grow and be mature enough to handle bigger responsibilities. Just trust His hands and never forget His great love for you.

God keeps His promises. Look around you because He might answer some of them in the form of a seed. He is more concerned with your growth rather than the blessings. He wants you to learn as you go through the process. It will also give you the opportunity to treasure the answers to your prayers. If you know that the journey is not that easy, you will learn to value every blessing that God gave. At first, you will treat them as small and ordinary, but the moment you recognize their transformation, you will realize the miracles that He is doing behind the scene. He already gave you everything you need. You just need to open the eyes of your heart so that you will see the huge blessings behind the tiny seeds you received.