Sometimes, It only takes One bold Decision for you to Experience Freedom
There is still hope. You can still experience the freedom that you long for. You don’t have to carry the burdens on your own. You don’t have to stay in a cage where you feel so alone. You can step outside the pain of the past. It’s just one decision away. You may think that it’s too impossible, but God is powerful. He can do all things. You just need to choose Him. You need to boldly take a step outside your comfort zone. It won’t be easy, but God will give you the strength that you need. Nothing will happen if you don’t change your perspective. You need to let go of your own understanding and allow God to reign inside. You need to listen to His voice so that He can guide you to a better place. You are meant to experience freedom. Jesus already did everything on the cross. It’s now your part to receive His love and salvation.
Accept His great love. Freedom only exists the moment you realize that you are accepted and treasured by God. The moment you receive His grace and appreciate His goodness, that’s when you will have the courage to let go of the chains that bind you. When you experience His love, that’s when you will see the wonderful things He has done in your life. Accept what Jesus did for you on the cross and His precious blood will set you free. Let His wounded body remind you that He died to give you the freedom that you thought you could never experience.
Choose to change the things that keep you away from His love. It could be your character or your mindset. It could be your pride, sins, or your wrong motives. Whatever it is that hinders you from experiencing true freedom, choose to surrender them in the arms of God. You can’t fully receive Him if you have so many unsettled wounds inside. You won’t experience freedom if you will keep on your relying on what you know. Humble yourself and wait until God gives you instructions. Wait until He provides you the right resources that will help you deal with the burdens that you feel.
Make the decision to follow Him. This may not be easy because there will be challenges along the way, but God is gracious. He will sustain you all throughout the season. And when you feel so tired and weary, His joy will be there to give you strength. Just keep doing the right thing in His eyes. Obey Him, and freedom will be yours. You won’t feel it at first, but the moment you learn the habit of walking in His presence despite all the challenges, then you will slowly experience what it truly means to be set free.