Self Development

Sometimes, you need to Learn how to Love Toxic People from afar

Save yourself first so that you will be able to fully serve others. If you are surrounded by toxic people, then keep in mind that you can make your own choices. Sometimes, you need to learn how to love them from afar. It won’t be easy at first. But you need some space where you can find rest and regain some strength. Do it not just for yourself but also for those who deserve to receive your love and attention. Difficult people are like a sponge that can easily absorb all your energy. So be in a group that will help you grow and give you the courage to keep going. As much as possible, don’t spend too much time with people who can easily break your heart.

You can love toxic people from afar by praying for them. Surrender them to God, and let Him move. Maybe you feel so burdened because you are carrying the pain on your own. Know that you can depend on God. Allow Him to come inside and heal your wounded heart. He will teach you how to deal with people who are very difficult to handle. He will increase your compassion, and you will figure out the important matters that you need to include in your prayers. And as you connect to God, ask Him for His guidance as well. That He may change your heart and the way you see things.

When you forgive a person, it doesn’t mean that you will allow them to easily enter into your life again. Forgiveness is given, but trust must be earned. You still need to go through the healing process so that you will be able to fully love them again. And it takes time and sometimes pain. But don’t worry, God will give you the grace that you need. Only those people who are full of love have the strength to serve toxic individuals. So before you welcome them again, let God’s love reign in your life first. And He will guide you on what to do. He will use you as His vessel who will share hope with those who are living in the darkness. But until then, please take your time and patiently go through the process.

One day, God will give you the courage to let go and move forward. He will open your eyes for the bright future that He prepared for you. He will let you see bigger things, and only then will you realize that what you have in mind is too small compared to His great plans. You will find yourself taking another step one at a time, and you will no longer depend on those people who broke your heart.