Self Development

Surrender the Pain first, and Breakthroughs will Happen

You can’t heal yourself and make your heart whole again. You need God. So do not rely on your own strength. Surrender the pain, and only then will you experience the breakthroughs that you’ve been waiting for. The wounds inside will create fear, and it will hinder you from experiencing the great plans of God in your life. So stop dealing with it on your own. Your loving Father is just waiting for you to surrender everything. He is the only one who can help you. His love is so perfect, and He can mend your broken heart. Come to His presence, and He will give you the courage that you need to overcome your most painful memories. And when you experience His healing, that’s the time when you will also live according to the purpose that God destined you to fulfill.

Let God heal your broken heart. Talk to Him and release all the pain in His presence. He can understand you. He saw everything, and He was there holding your hands. You may not feel His presence, but He is walking with you along the journey. So let Him comfort you. Allow His love to reign in your heart, and you will no longer live in the darkness. He will take away your fears. God cares for you. Maybe you find it hard to comprehend the things going on in your life but just trust in His power. He can do the impossible things. He will perform miracles if you will just allow Him.

You will overcome the struggles in your life the moment you learn to surrender. Acknowledge the truth that you need God. Stop carrying the burdens on your own. There are things in life that you can’t handle. Ask for His help, and He will be there for you. He will guide and lead you to a better place. Depend on His power and not on your own understanding. Let Him be the God of your life and abide in His ways. You may not understand His instructions sometimes, but keep following Him because He knows the right path. He will give you the wisdom that you need so that you will experience victory in life.

Breakthroughs happen when your mind and heart are no longer consumed with pain. Learn to process and manage your emotions first. Go through the healing journey with God, and when you are whole again, you will be able to serve Him with the best that you can. You will see yourself doing the things you’ve never done before. You will experience new beginnings. And above all, you will have the courage to go outside of your comfort zone and explore God’s opportunities.