You Are Like A Flower That God Planted In The Middle Of Raging Waters
You will bloom in His perfect timing. You may think that your life right now is so messed up, and you started to lose hope. All you see are the problems in front of you, and you feel so overwhelmed with the things you are going through. But remember that God is just planting you right now. Like a seed that is just growing deep within the soil, you are also growing even in the midst of darkness. The tension that surrounds you can never stop you from learning new things. For you are like a flower that God planted, and He destined you to flourish even if you are…
Day 121 – Matthew 8:26
He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Matthew 8:26, NIV Most of the time, when we face storms in life, we tend to feel afraid on the inside. We feel week and hopeless because all we see are the strong waves and wind. But the difficult seasons in our lives is a perfect opportunity for us to increase our faith in God. Do not be afraid. Jesus is powerful than the storm that you are facing right now. Have faith and choose to believe in His great power. God will…
Challenges Will Always Be There, But God’s Grace Will Never Fail
We live in a broken world. Whether we like it or not, we will encounter problems in life. There are situations that we can never control, and it will sometimes test our faith in the Lord. But even though we go through unexpected events in life, always remember that God’s grace will never fail. He will provide enough blessings which will sustain all of us. God will never abandon us, especially in the difficult seasons of our lives. All we have to do is to increase our faith. Stop trying to understand everything. Let your faith be greater than the doubts you have inside. You may not know why you…
Life Will Never Be Easy, But You Can Always Make Choices
You will always face difficult moments in life. It will never be a comfortable journey. But one thing is for sure, God will give you a lot of choices. Those choices will never give you the assurance that there will be no pain, but you will have the opportunity to choose what kind of difficulties are you willing to endure. This truth may be hard for us to accept because we think that when we arrive at the top, we will no longer face challenges in life. But then, problems will always be there. Whether we like it or not, we will always encounter challenging moments in life. And what…
How God Sees Your Problems
Pray to God that you will see thingsthe way He looks at itSometimes it’s a matter of your perspectiveThere are things in lifethat are difficult for us to understandBut we can always ask the help of Godto guide us on what to do Do not focus on the challenges in front of youInstead, set your eyes on God,He knows the best thing to doWhat if He is just teaching you right now?How you see your problems is very importantThe more you focus on itThe more you will have a hard time solving it Look unto GodFocus on the things that He can do in your lifeTry to look on the…
Difficult Moments In Life Are Sometimes God’s Way Of Building You Up
You may think that the problems you are facing right now are too hard for you to handle, but what if God is teaching you how to endure. What if He is building you up into a better person? Sometimes, we need to go through some pain so that we will be able to fully internalize the lessons that God wanted us to learn, or perhaps He is just strengthening our faith. What if He purposely allowed us to experience suffering so that we will learn to trust Him more than the people around us. It may be hard for you to overcome your situation, but take heart. God is…
Trials and Challenges in Life
Your faith will never grow if there are no challenges in lifeImagine that this life is just full of happiness and joyYou don’t have any problems or even painThen you won’t be able to know God the way you know Him right now Will you experience His comfort if you are always happy?Maybe the difficult moments in your life are God’s simple remindersIt’s one way of telling you that He cares for youThe trials you face in life serves a very important purposeAnd one way or another, God will use it for His glory He will let you feel that you are still lovedDespite the pain, you feel insideThe difficult…
The Plot Twist
God can turn your situation into something beautifulNo one can really comprehend the ways of GodHe will direct youEverything may look so messed-upBut wait for the plot twist God will do something great in your lifeWhatever struggles that you are facing right nowHe will make it into a beautiful opportunityfor you to experience His love Learn to face whatever problems you have right nowBecause breakthrough is waiting for youHe will turn your fears into victoryAllow God to move in your life Learn to surrender everything to HimHe is creating a beautiful story for youWait and be patient If you are going through so much,Just pray for His strengthIf you don’t…
Life Is Not Perfect, But It’s Worth Fighting For
There are a lot of things that are happening in our lives that we can never understand. No matter how hard this life may be, if we will just keep on hoping for the best, everything will be worth it. I don’t know when or how, but it will happen one day. Simply because what we have right now is a precious gift. We may fail to see its value, but it’s something that no else can give. We can never replace this life or even turn back time. And how we use this gift really matters. A life full of challenges is worth fighting for in the end. The…