• His Word

    Commit To The Lord Whatever You Do

    Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16: 3, NIV If you feel like your efforts were wasted, and bad things keep on happening. Then, let this verse remind you what to do.   Surrender all your works to God. Trust in His grace and mercy. Seek His wisdom. And allow Him to help you. Depend on Him. It means that you need to stop relying on your own strength. Let His love reign in your heart, and you will receive His peace and grace. Committing your works to God means acknowledging His sovereignty in your life. You believe with all your heart…

  • His Word

    John 18:25, NIV

    Meanwhile, Simon Peter was still standing there warming himself. So they asked him, “You aren’t one of his disciples too, are you?” He denied it, saying, “I am not.” John 18:25, NIV Simon Peter is a disciple of God. He followed our Savior and listened to His teachings. Jesus would take Him to different places. He walked on water, and He saw Jesus perform miracles. Peter went through a lot with Jesus, but those experiences were not enough for Him to feel secure when persecution happened. The moment Jesus was arrested, Simon Peter left His master. He even denied Him not once but three times. And the amazing part is…

  • Self Development

    Failures will Teach you what Genuine Humility Is

    The mistakes that you committed in the past can potentially open your eyes to the real status of your heart. How you react to them and the way you handle them will give you some ideas about how you see yourself. Sometimes, when we experience victories in life, we tend to put confidence in ourselves, thinking that we absolutely deserve the credit. And because of that mindset, we make decisions out of our own will and understanding. We fail to consider the desires of God and just do things that will satisfy our hearts. And the moment we experience the consequences of our choices, that’s when we realize that we…