• His Word

    Day 408 -Luke 6:28

    …bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you Luke 6:28, NIV If you receive painful words from others, then always remember what the word of God said. Choose to forgive. Instead of hating them, choose to release blessings. Lift them to prayers and surrender them to God. Don’t take revenge. Show them that you won’t be easily disturbed by their treatments. Dealing with those who hurt you may be painful inside, but allow God to heal your heart. Share to Him everything and let Him change your heart. Turn your hatred and bitterness into prayer. And only then will you realize what God’s grace is all about.…

  • Self Development

    When People Released Hurtful Words About you

    They will curse, but You bless; When they arise, they will be ashamed, but Your servant will be glad. Psalms 109:28, NASB Words are powerful. Then can make or break your heart. If you don’t know how to deal with the hurtful words you receive from others, then it will slowly bring you down. Choose to listen to God and let Him teach you how to manage it. It says in His word that others may curse you, but what’s important is that God will bless you. So go after the good things that He prepared. Know that people can never destroy your soul unless you allow them. Look unto…

  • His Word

    Day 250 – Romans 12:14

    Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Romans 12:14 We will always meet difficult people in life. Sometimes they will challenge our faith and character. But even though we receive persecutions and hurtful comments from them. We need to remember that God didn’t call us to curse others. Instead, He wants us to bless them. So pray for those who hurt you. Declare blessing to their life and never allow the things that they did to destroy your peace. Grow in the presence of God, and He will teach you how to release forgiveness to those people who caused you pain. And through His love, you will…