• His Word

    Take Delight in the Lord

    Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4, NIV Many times, when we set our eyes away from God, we can’t help but think of our worries and problems. We focus on the things that we can’t control, and we overcome our situation on our own. But here comes David, reminding us to delight in the Lord.  It means that instead of focusing on other things, we need to fix our eyes on God. The One who dearly loves and cares for us. When we delight in Him, we acknowledge His presence, and we choose to rejoice in His arms. We…

  • His Word

    Day 324 – Psalm 37:23

    The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; Psalm 37:23 Take delight in the presence of God. Rejoice in His ways. Know that He is leading you to the right path. Focus on His goodness. When you are so down because of the problems and stress that you face, remember the joy of the Lord. Open your heart and embrace His grace. Let His power and love give you the assurance that everything will be okay. Be excited about the things that are waiting for you. Your loving Father planned great things ahead. He wants you to receive the blessings that He prepared. So keep…

  • His Word

    Day 292 – Proverbs 18:2

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.  Proverbs 18:2, NIV Sometimes, when we are too caught up with our own emotions or ego, we tend to express our opinions without considering other people’s feelings.  We think that what we have in mind is absolutely right and others should accept them.  We feel entitled to our opinions, thinking that it’s what’s best for us and for everyone.  But we must seek to understand and not just release what we think.  It’s important to pause for a while before we speak.  Choose to listen to others first before we share our own opinions.  Only then will…

  • His Word

    Day 199- Psalms 147:11

    The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalms 147:11, NIV The Lord sees your heart, so choose to put your hope in Him and don’t easily give up. Fear Him and not the people around you. Trust in His love, and He will take delight in you. Respect Him and know that He is always watching. Consult Him in everything that you do. Let His light guide you through the journey that He prepared. Whenever you are in pain, come to His presence and let His arms embrace you. God wants your faith to grow. He wants you to live with…

  • His Word

    Day 171 – Psalm 119:35

    Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Psalm 119:35, NIV Pray that God will reveal to you His instructions and let Him direct you to the path that He prepared. Sometimes, this world will give you many pieces of advice, but before you ask someone’s help, go to God first and honor His will. Ask for His word and keep them inside your heart. Do not forget the things He said to you and take delight in His commands. You may not understand everything, but keep your faith and stay in His presence. He alone can lead you in the right direction. Remember that…

  • His Word

    Day 51 – Psalms 37:4

    Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Pslams 37:4, NIV Rejoice and be glad in the presence of God. Take pleasure in His ways and love. Do not let the challenges around you be the reason for you to forget God. No matter how difficult your situation is, always choose to delight in the Lord. He will bless your heart. Hold on and keep on spending time with Him. Do not stop praying for God is listening. Do not let other things hinder you from worshipping our God. Keep on praising His name. And one day, your faith will grow, and you…