• His Word

    John 11:25-26, NIV

    Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11: 25-26, NIV Do you believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? He has the power to raise us up. He can lead us to a place where we will experience eternity with Him. And if we believe in Him, then we will never die. Our bodies may fade and be back to ashes, but our souls will stay with Him forever. So don’t just dwell on the temporary riches…

  • Self Development

    You start to Die the Moment you feel Worthless

    Death is not just about physical, but you can also experience it the moment you feel so useless. Your soul will die every time you think that you are worthless. One way to keep moving is to remember the reasons why you are here. Your foundation needs to be stronger than the storms that you face in life. Put God at the center, and you will not be shaken. Know who you are in His eyes, and you will receive the courage you need. In Him, you will discover your purpose. So stay in His presence, and He will never make you feel like you are nothing. Stop listening to…

  • His Word

    Day 292 – Philippians 1:21

    For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21, NIV Offer your life to Jesus and choose to honor His name. Live according to His grace and love. Do not just do things on your own. Acknowledge the presence of God in your life and learn to follow His will. When you choose to let Jesus shine in your life, you will gain things that this world can never offer. To die is gain because you know that your life will never be wasted. You choose to exalt and glorify Jesus with the best you have, and that’s what matters most in the end. You…