His Word

When The People Around Us Experience The Consequences Of Our Bad Decisions

“Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” he replied, “and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.”

Jonah 1:12, NIV

Jonah was a prophet who once disobeyed God’s instruction. He was commanded to go to the city of Nineveh and preach against it. But Jonah ran away and went to another place. He tried to flee from the Lord by riding a boat. But then, God sent a great wind on the sea and a violent storm. The sailors were so afraid. And then, they cast lots to know who’s responsible for the calamity. And the lot fell on Jonah. After that, he was thrown to the sea and a big fish swallowed him.

The story of Jonah reminds us of an important message. The people who were with him on the boat were affected because of his disobedience. They felt scared and threatened by the strong winds that they experienced, not knowing that it was all because of what Jonah did. These people unknowingly received the consequence that Jonah should’ve received alone.

Like Jonah, we are also sailing in different boats and travelling with different people in life. We belong in a family, organization, community, or church. We are not doing things on our own. And sometimes, we unknowingly lead the people we love to experience the consequences of our bad decisions. Our disobedience often led others to suffer and feel scared.

That’s why we really need to pause and think of the decisions that we made. Is it aligned with God? Or is it just your will? Is it part of God’s instructions? Or exactly the opposite? Will it bless others? Or will it hurt the people you love? We need to learn how to stop and ask the right questions. Let’s not just focus on the things that we want to do. Instead, let’s consider the people who will also carry the consequences of our decisions. They could be your parents, spouse, children, workmates, or even friends.

There are times when we need to offer sacrifices so that others won’t get affected and they won’t suffer in the end. It takes dying and forgetting about our selfish desires. It’s challenging. But behind every difficult command that God gave is an opportunity for us to grow and experience more of Him. Don’t worry; blessings will follow when you put God’s Kingdom first. Trust that God will give you the grace that you need.

Prayer: My Lord, thank you for allowing me to hear your voice. Thank you for the opportunity to grow in your presence. As I continue this journey with you, please give me a humble heart to obey your words. Please lead me to your heart so that I will be reminded of the purpose of why I am doing what I am doing. Give me an obedient heart that’s willing to follow you, especially in times when I couldn’t understand your ways. Thank you so much, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.