• His Word

    Day 62 – Psalm 31:15

    My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me. Psalm 31:15, NIV Your time is in the hands of God. It means that you never own your life. Your creator is the only one who determines what will happen to you in the future days to come. So trust in Him and never depend on your own timeline or schedule. He has wonderful plans for you. If you feel like you are surrounded by your enemies, surrender all your worries to Him, and He will be there to deliver you. God loves you so much. He knows what’s best for…

  • Poem

    The Painful Past

    The painful past you experiencedCan never define your futureIf you think that there’s no hope for youBecause you feel so dirty and messed upThen always put this in your heartGod destined a bright future for you What happened is already in the pastSo leave it all behindAnd receive the love of GodYes, it was so painfulAnd you can’t help but think about itYou remember what really happened back thenAnd you feel so broken When your memories try to bring you backTo the place where it all startedThen choose to talk to GodAnd tell Him about what you truly feelShare to Him all your strugglesAnd know that He will always be…

  • His Word

    Choose to Pursue God

    The world will tell you to study hardSo that you will land a good jobThey will tell you to earn more moneySo that you will feel satisfied Yes, you need to persevereAnd work hard for your futureBut pursue God firstAnd everything else will follow Pursuing Him doesn’t meanYou seclude yourself away from peopleIt means that you put Him at the centerAnd make Him the God of your life It means that you follow His wordAnd apply it everydayPursuing God means you listen to HimAnd not to the lies of the enemy Get to know Him moreThrough the wordsThat are written in the BiblePursue Him even if the world can’t understand…

  • Faith

    The Enemy wants to Distract you

    God wants you to keep going and receive His great blessings, but the enemy will distract you along the way. He will put fear in your heart so that you will find it hard to take the next step. He will tell you that you are not worthy, so that you will stop walking along the right path. The enemy will make you feel lost and broken so that you won’t be able to receive your blessings. If you feel so distracted right now, then know that God can rescue you from the lies of the enemy. Just come to His presence, and He will always be there for you.…

  • Faith

    Do Not Let The Enemy Steal The Joy That God Placed In Your Heart

    Remember that the enemy will just steal, kill and destroy your life. So do not listen to the lies that you hear from them. Focus on the power of God. Know that you are His beloved. He will never leave you, so stop entertaining the things that will just break your heart in the end. Let your life be consumed with the joy of the Lord, and you will have the courage to overcome the negative thoughts that you have in your mind. You are destined for victory. Just put Jesus inside your heart so that you will always be reminded about His power. He has already overcome the principalities…

  • His Word

    Day 197 – John 10:10

    The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10, NIV Jesus will let you experience what true life is all about. The enemy will steal away your joy. They will kill your dreams and destroy your future. But Jesus will give you life. He will take away the fears you have inside. He will replace it with His love, and you will experience freedom. So do not listen to the lies of the enemy. Choose to open your heart for Jesus, and He will transform your life. You will end up feeling so…