When You Can’t Understand The Season That You Are In
There are days when you can’t understand what’s happening. Your situation is exactly the opposite of what you planned for. The things that are happening don’t make sense. You can’t point out why you must go through certain seasons that left you wounded and broken. The journey seems so long and exhausting. You may find it hard to find peace and rest, but know that it’s part of the process. It may not be easy to accept this truth, but one day, you will understand why God allowed you to go through this season. For now, don’t focus on finding answers to your never-ending questions. You can’t understand the lessons…
Jesus Will Help You Rise Above The Temptations
The enemy tried to tempt Jesus while He lived here on earth. But despite the temptations that He experienced, He overcame the evil power. If Jesus was able to do that, He can also help you win over the temptations you face. Come to Him and ask for help. Don’t rely on your own strength. Instead, be rooted in His love and allow His words to penetrate your heart. It is a sword that will fight against the lies the enemy tries to inject into your thoughts. It’s like a weapon that will lead you to victory. So when you are surrounded by things that push you to give up,…
Have Faith in God’s Plans and Promises
When you go through so many trials in life, there’s this one important thing that you need to do. You must believe with all your heart, mind, and soul that God has great and wonderful plans for you. His promises are true. You may not always feel it because you went through so much pain and heartache, but sometimes, you don’t have to feel His presence. You need to know that He is there despite all your questions and doubts. Faith is about believing in God regardless of your situation and the condition of your heart. It’s about standing in His promises even when you are shaking and scared. When…
Do the Right Thing, and God will give you more than Enough Strength
You will encounter circumstances that will test your principles in life. You will go through seasons that will test your faith. The world will present to you so many instant solutions that will temporarily hide the wounds in your heart. Sometimes, you will be tempted to dwell on the pleasures that people are offering, but you need to do what is right in the eyes of God. This is not an easy thing to do, especially when you are surrounded by people who never acknowledged the will of God. You will feel like you are out of place, and nobody can understand your decisions in life. There are cases when…
Jesus can Intimately Connect to your heart, especially when you are in Pain
You may think that no one understands the pain that you feel inside, but Jesus knows what it feels like. He also went through suffering. He was rejected and condemned. He was accused and punished for the things that He didn’t do. Jesus was betrayed by His disciples. That’s why, He understands what you feel. It’s in the painful moments that you can intimately connect to His heart. It’s when you will realize the weight of the cross that He carried. It’s when you will have an idea about how big His love is. It’s in the darkest and most heartbreaking moments in your life that Jesus’ sacrifice becomes more…
Surrender to God and let His Grace Surround you
God wants to move in your life. He wants you to receive what He prepared. And sometimes, He will give you the unexpected in the form of grace. He will present the blessings to you the moment you learn to let go of the things that you badly want to control. He will show you what it feels like to believe in His promises without trusting in your own efforts and strength. Maybe you haven’t received the miracles that you’ve been waiting for simply because you are still trying to control your situation. You are relying on your own strength, thinking that it will birth miracles. But God moves according…
Romans 10:17, NIV
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard though the word about Christ. Romans 10:17, NIV If you want your faith to grow, you must consistently hear the message about Christ. You need to open the scriptures and read His words. Get to know Him more through the stories in the bible. Expose yourself to His principles so that you will be consistently guided by His instructions. Don’t dwell on your own understanding. Let the life of Jesus remind you to do the right thing. Let your faith flourish by meditating on His words. Only then will you be able to realize how beautiful it is…
Romans 10:11, NIV
As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.” Romans 10:11, NIV Keep your faith in Jesus. Set your eyes on His goodness and mercy. Remember what He did to save and redeem you from the chains of the past. Remember how God rescued you from hell. Believe in His great love for you, and you will never be put to shame. His love will always be there to heal all your wounds. His grace will surround you and give you hope. He will never leave you alone. He will remind you of your true identity. And when the enemy tries to instill lies in…
Follow God even if you are Hurting
Following God is not easy. You will go through the process of pruning and breaking. You will be molded, and sometimes, it hurts. But even if you are in pain, follow God anyway. Do what He asks you to do even if you can’t understand what’s happening. Lift up your hands and choose to glorify His name even in moments when your heart is breaking because, in those times, you are simply treating God as the King of your life. It means that you choose to acknowledge His will and accept His ways. You choose to abide in His instructions despite the fears that you feel. You keep His words…
Believe with all your heart that God is Guiding you
When you go through so many trials and tragedies, there is a tendency that you won’t feel God’s presence. When you are so occupied by the things that are going on in your life, you will fail to notice the instructions of God, and you won’t be able to appreciate what He is doing behind the scenes. This is the reason why you need to believe with all your heart that God is always there, guiding you. Choose to acknowledge His presence even when you feel so confused and lost. Remember His words so that when the enemy injects so many lies in your head, you won’t be easily tempted…