• Faith

    The Gifts of Pain

    Nobody wants to experience pain in life. Most of us want to protect our hearts from it. But even though it’s not easy to deal with it, there are beautiful gifts behind every wound. 1. Pain will teach us important lessons in life. Sometimes, we need to experience it so that our eyes will be opened to the things we ignore. Perhaps God had already given us warnings all along the way, but then we chose to follow our own understanding. That’s why, we end up hurting. At some point, we need to humbly receive the consequences of our decisions so that we will learn. 2. Pain will keep us…

  • His Word

    If You Find Wisdom, Your Hope Will Not Be Cut Off

    Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 24:14, NIV Wisdom. We seldom hear this word from the world. Most of the time, we only hear the words smart, brilliant, intelligent, practical, or perhaps excellent. But the word ‘wisdom’ is like a rare treasure that we somehow hear from people who are not that influential, rich, or famous. It’s a gift hidden behind the words written in the bible. Sad to say, few people only received it since it’s not necessarily considered important in the eyes of the world.…

  • His Word

    Romans 11:22, NIV

    Consider therefore the kindness and the sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off. Romans 11:22, NIV Never take God’s grace for granted. If He allowed you to take new steps and change the way you think, treat it as His precious gift. Treasure the time that He gave you. He remained so kind to you despite the things that you did. So, continue to do what’s right in His eyes. Let His goodness lead you to do the right thing. One day, God will judge us according to what we have…

  • Self Development

    One of the Most Beautiful Gifts that God gave us is Time

    All of us have time. God freely gave it to us. With it, we can live through our choices and decisions. However, it is always running. It only goes on and on and never comes back. Time just happened naturally, and no one could control it. That is why, as we live, we need to be wise in making decisions, taking action, and having our own way into the world. We live in the present, which is the only time we have. We can never turn back time or go to our future. It could be sad to think about, but there is a gift in time. It brought us…

  • Self Development

    Simple Moments can Build Lasting Memories

    Sometimes, it’s not about the preparation, or the number of people you are with that makes every moment special. It’s about the quality of the relationship that you have with others that matters most in the end. So do not wait for special occasions to happen for you to fully appreciate the people around you. When you lose them, the best memories that you will have are not those extravagant events that you experienced but the simple moments that you used to have with them. So treasure the daily habits that you have because it’s where lasting memories start to exist. Our lives are too short. We never really know…

  • Self Development

    Let your Dreams be Greater than your Problems

    You can never control the situation that you will experience. Sometimes, you will meet circumstances that will test your desires. It will shake your character and the way you perceive life. That’s why you need to have a strong foundation that will help you fight against the negative voices in your head. Let your dreams be bigger than your problems and fears so that when you encounter painful moments, you can immediately remember the things that you deeply desire. It will fuel your motivation and help you stay on track. When you are surrounded by so many distractions, your dreams will remind you to keep going. When you can’t stop…

  • Poem

    His Rewards

    God’s rewards come in different formsSometimes, it is hidden behind the painIt’s there when you encounter problemsHis gift lies beneath your tears His precious treasures are presentEven when you are hurtingHis blessings are thereEven when your heart is breaking You won’t see it at firstSometimes, you’ll only focus on the bad thingsBut the truth isYou are holding a wonderful gift God is making a wayHe is giving you the chance to seeThe miracles behind all your circumstancesOpen the eyes of your heartAnd you will find Him inside

  • Self Development

    One of the Greatest Gifts you can give is your Time

    Gifts don’t always have to be so costly. You can serve and show your love to someone through your time. Just like how God treasures His time with you. He will always be there to show His love for you. So serving Him isn’t costly. Give Him your time, and you will eventually realize how He will work in your life. You will recognize that you are favored and blessed. You don’t have to sacrifice things just to be with Him.  Your time with Him is more than enough.  Spend your days with God, and you will have a fulfilling day. Welcome Him in everything you do, even in the…

  • Poem

    The Reward

    I may have desires in my lifeBut He alone satisfy my heartMy life is nothing without HimHis love keeps me breathing His Love gave me everything I needJesus has me savedSalvation is what He gave meNothing else is precious as this I am speechless and gratefulMay my life be a testimonyMay all my work bring Him gloryMay Jesus be pleased with me Knowing Him is the bestGrateful because of His unfailing loveI can’t contain His goodnessBecause of Him, I thrived

  • Faith

    The Gift of knowing God in the Wilderness

    The problems in your life will not always lead you to destruction. Sometimes, it’s God’s way of introducing Himself to you. Maybe these past few months or years, you failed to discover His love. That’s why you need to go through situations that will remind you who He is in your life. You may not appreciate what He is doing right now, but the moment you see all the changes, you will realize that the wilderness season leads you to know Him more, and you grow close to His heart. It will all make sense one day. You may find it hard to comprehend His ways, but God will never…