• His Word

    Day 124 – Matthew 12:33

    Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. Matthew 12:33, NIV Your life will be recognized by the fruit that you have. Good things come from a good heart, so work on the inside so that you will be able to produce fruit that will benefit the people around you and glorify God. Always remember the fruits of the Holy Spirit. When you learn to live according to the will of God, then you will receive a bountiful harvest one day. Your life will be full of love, peace,…

  • His Word

    Day 100 – Psalm 112:6

    Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. Psalm 112:6, NIV Keep on doing the right thing, and continue to please God. Nothing can ever destroy you. Always remember that God is your shield and strength. You will never be shaken as long as you keep on glorifying His name. You may face challenges in life, but God will provide enough grace to sustain you. God sees everything that you did for Him. Do not be dismayed if you can’t see any changes. Just continue to abide in His ways, and God will always be there to protect you. You will be remembered forever. God acknowledged…

  • His Word

    Day 97 – Colossians 3:23

    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters Colossians 3:23, NIV Glorify God in everything that you do. Remember Him in your work, and know that He is watching over you. People may not appreciate what you’ve been doing, but God sees your heart, and He will bless you for all the things you did for Him. Your effort will never be in vain. God is doing great things behind the scene. Just continue to serve the people around you and imagine that you are doing it to honor God. Let your actions bless other people. Do your best…

  • His Word

    Day 40 – Colossians 3:17

    And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 NIV God sees everything that you are doing. Always put Him in your heart so that He will be glorified in all the things that you do. Sometimes, we are so occupied with what’s going on in our minds that we tend to forget God’s presence in our lives. We act according to our own understanding and release words based on what we feel. We fail to include God in everything. That’s why we tend to hurt ourselves simply because we chose to…