• His Word

    Continue In The Grace Of God

    When the congregation was dismissed, many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of God. Acts 13:43, NIV When Paul and Barnabas shared the word of God with the people, they urged them to continue in God’s grace. This is a powerful reminder for us, especially as we grow along the journey. When we get to know Him even more, it’s important to remember the grace of God because it will keep us humble and serve as our foundation.   After all, we are saved not because of our efforts and strength but…

  • His Word

    Day 369 – Luke 2:40

    And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. Luke 2:40, NIV This verse refers to Jesus. He grew strong, and God filled Him with wisdom. Luke didn’t mention a lot of things about Jesus while growing up. He just said that the grace of God was on Him. During this moment, our savior was not publicly exposed yet. He was with his earthly family and doing the things that ordinary people do. We may not exactly know everything that happened to Him while He was a kid, but one thing is for sure, God is with Him in…

  • Faith

    Do not allow your Mistakes to Hinder you from Following God’s will

    Your world may seem to stop because of the wrong things that you committed. But don’t give up. Choose to stand again and follow God’s will. It won’t be easy. You will experience temptations and a lot of disappointments, but don’t focus on your mistakes. Fix your eyes on the power of God and let His love give you the assurance that your life will be better. Be humble and acknowledge the truth that you need His guidance. Let your mistakes lead you closer to His heart. Listen to His voice and allow Him to comfort you. After you surrender, choose to humbly ask His light to lead you again…

  • His Word

    Day 150 – Psalm 103:8

    The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Psalm 103:8, NIV Put this in your heart every time you feel like giving up. Know that the Lord is compassionate, and He loves you so much. His grace will always pick you up. So come to His presence and don’t face your struggles on your own. Call upon God, and HE will always be there to strengthen you. If you committed a sin, know that He is slow to anger. Just humbly ask for forgiveness and choose to repent. Let His love fill your heart. Let Him take away all your worries and fears. If you feel…

  • Faith

    Let God’s Grace Teach you how to be Humble

    Open your heart and receive the grace of God. Acknowledge the truth that you can never save yourself from the fires of hell. Your efforts will be in vain if you will just rely on your own strength. You need the precious blood of Jesus to purify you from your sins. Treat Him as your Savior, and only then will you realize that there’s nothing that you can boast in the presence of God. Every blessing that you receive comes from Him. Every victory you experienced is all because of His favor and goodness. Yes, you exerted some effort, but God is still in charge at the end of the…

  • His Word

    Day 334 – Hebrews 12:15

    See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12:15, NIV Surrender the bitter roots you have inside. Forgive those people who caused you pain, and let God heal the wounds in your heart. Remember that hurt people, hurt people. If you allow the pain to reign, it would be very difficult for you to love others. Whether you like it or not, there’s a tendency that other people will also get hurt because of the bitterness that you feel. So let God change your heart and the way you see things.…

  • Poem

    Going Through The Process

    When I encountered the love of GodI thought that life will be easierThere will be no problemsAnd joy will always reign But the truth isThere are still a lot of challengesLife will always be uncertainAnd my faith will be tested Only then, I realized thatI need to go through the processIt will take time and effortSometimes it hurts But even though it’s not easyStill, the grace of God will be with meI may not understand it for nowBut everything will make sense one day.