• Faith

    Your Faith can save you from Greater Pain

    Most of the time, God will ask you to keep your faith not because He is blocking the blessings that you wanted to receive but because He is saving you from greater pain. He will ask you to wait on His promises so that you will no longer walk along the path that will break your heart. You don’t have to try everything just for you to learn. All you need to do is trust and wait on His perfect timing. And it takes faith to do it. Believing in things that you can’t even see is sometimes harder than taking the most difficult test that your teacher can give.…

  • His Word

    Day 56 – Psalm 27:13

    I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13, NIV If you are surrounded by so many bad things in life, then do not give up. Keep your faith because one day, you will see God’s goodness. He will perform miracles, and He will save you from greater pain. Trust that God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It means that His goodness and love will always prevail. So instead of focusing on the negative situations you experience, choose to believe that brighter days are coming. Be confident in God’s presence. Know that in…

  • Faith

    God wants to save you from Greater Pain

    You never really know the things that are going on behind the scene. All you see is the surface. You feel so in pain and broken. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. All this time, God is saving you from greater pain. He knows the things that you can handle. He will never allow you to go through circumstances that will only break you into pieces. Whether you believe it or not, God prepared the best things for you. And sometimes, the process takes pain. You will go through a challenging path that will test your faith. But all you need to do is to stand still…

  • Poem

    Dear Future Self,

    Dear Future Self, May you always remember the great thingsThat God did in your lifeMay you never forget His wonderful loveRemember the dayWhen He saved you from greater painRecall those momentsWhen He wiped away your tears Never forget His faithfulness in your lifeYou may experience a lot of thingsBut always be humble and choose to honor GodIn everything that you doRemember that you are simply nothing without Him Acknowledge His power in your lifeAnd always lean on His shouldersYou may think your life is now so much betterBut remember the One who is with youAlways keep your feet on the groundNever forget the reason why you arrived at that place…

  • His Word

    Day 216 – John 16:33

    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33, NIV Jesus has already overcome this world. So no matter what you are facing right now, just remember that the victory is yours because Jesus is in you. This world may give you a lot of challenges, but the power of Jesus will always be enough. He will give you peace. He will be your strength when you feel so weak inside. Keep this in your heart and never listen to the lies of the enemy. You are not…