• His Word

    John 21:19, NIV

    Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!” John 21:19, NIV After Simon Peter betrayed Jesus, our Savior still invited him to follow His ways. He redeemed Peter and encouraged him to feed and care for His sheep. He trusted Peter again despite all the mistakes that He had made in the past. You see, Jesus forgives the sinners. If He could redeem Peter, then He can absolutely save you. But the one thing you need to do is humble yourself and surrender everything in His presence. Come to Him, and don’t let the guilt fully…

  • Self Development

    If you Commit a Mistake, then Just Humbly receive God’s grace

    Running away from the presence of God can never give you peace. It will never solve the problems and heal your pain. So if you know that what you did is wrong, then come to Him, and He will accept you. With a humble heart, choose to receive the grace of God. Yes, He hates sin, but He will never condemn you. He will forgive you as long as you repent and decide to do the right thing. Your mistakes can never change the love of God. So do not focus on the impurities in your heart. Instead, look at the goodness of God in your life and let His…

  • His Word

    Day 344 – James 2:10

    For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. James 2:10, NIV God’s law exists not to condemn us but to remind us to stay righteous in His eyes. But sometimes, we only follow a portion of the law. There are days when we only do the part that we think is heavy, like do not kill or thou shall not steal. But when it comes to talking bad about others or disrespecting our parents, we somehow take it for granted. Remember what the word of God said, if we stumble at just one point, then we are also…

  • Poem

    How to Handle Shame

    Shame will keep you away from GodSometimes, it exists because of pain and pridePain is the reason why you did unpleasing thingsYou wanted to mend your broken heartAnd you look for waysOn how to take away the pain You think that doing the thingsthat you want will heal youBut in the end, it leads you to deathYou no longer hear the voice of GodThat’s why you choose to do things on your own And now, because of the sins, you committed,You feel so shamefulAnd that’s when pride comes inIt happens when you chooseTo keep yourself away from God Guilt is trying to consume your heartYou keep yourself away from peopleBecause…

  • Faith

    God Is Greater Than The Regrets You Feel Inside

    We all commit mistakes. Human as we are, there’s a possibility that we will do things that we will regret in the end. We wanted to change what happened, but we can never do it. The past is in the past, and that will never change. But even though we feel guilty for what we did, we need to remember that God is greater than the regrets in our lives. We don’t have the power to change what happened, but God is powerful enough to pull us up. So if you think that your past is still haunting you right now, then surrender it all to God. Let Him take…

  • His Word

    Day 108 – Proverbs 16:6

    You can avoid evil through surrendered worship and the fear of God, for the power of his faithful love removes sin’s guilt and grip over you. Proverbs 16:6, TPT If you are fighting some temptation right now, and you are surrounded by many negative things, then learn to surrender to God in worship, and He will be there to protect you. Sometimes, we rely too much on our own understanding. We think that we can make it on our own. But we can possibly avoid evil if we learn to trust in the Lord. Fear God, and the enemy can never destroy you. Let His love consume your heart. He…