• Faith

    Find Healing In The Arms Of Jesus

    This world will present you with temporary remedies – entertainment, money, possessions, achievements, and more. You will find yourself looking for answers on things that will immediately and temporarily bring you joy. Sometimes, people are tempted to find instant healing, and it destroys them in the end. This is the reason why we need to trust in Jesus and seek His will.   Let’s not rely on our own understanding. When we follow the standards of this world, we will find ourselves pleasing other people. We will easily be swayed by their words or actions. And instead of mending our wounds, we can’t help but encounter situations that will make…

  • Love

    The Beauty of God’s Love

    Deep and Wide, perfect and beautiful, boundless and endless, indescribable. God’s love is too good to be true. The moment you experience it, you will realize that you have everything you need. When you encounter Him in your secret place, you will experience heaven here on earth. God’s love brings healing. It restores the deepest wounds in your soul. He will take you back to your core. He will remind you of the precious things that you lost, and He will replace them with something lasting. And even when you feel like this world is too broken, God’s love will give you the grace to keep moving. He will take…

  • His Word

    The Man Was Healed Not Because Of His Own Effort, But Because He Listened And Kept His Faith

    In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk. Acts 14:8-10, NIV There was this man who knew how it felt like to lack something. Perhaps, all throughout his life, he was looking for hope and healing. And here comes Paul, trying to present him the possible answers to his prayers. He listened to his message and received the hope…

  • His Word

    The Best Gift

    Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.  He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. Acts 3:6-8, NIV Peter saw a lame man outside the temple begging for some money. He caught his attention and boldly shared the words that would remind us what matters most in life. At this moment, the lame man was…

  • His Word

    Acts 3:6, NIV

    Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Acts 3:6, NIV Peter and John saw a beggar who was asking for money. They looked at him, and Peter said he didn’t have silver or gold, but He had Jesus in Him whom He could share with the beggar. You see, there are times when we feel insufficient because of the wants and needs of the people around us. We feel like we don’t have what they are looking for, but the truth is, we can always share Jesus with them. Just…

  • Faith

    God will save you from Deeper Pain

    God will sometimes close some doors in your life to lead you into the new one. You will sometimes feel like rejecting it and want to return to how things used to be. It may be because the past becomes your comfort, and you feel like you are doing well in it already. Uncertainties make you tremble. However, it will be hard to see new doors when you won’t close old ones. Sometimes, you won’t know how things could get worse not until you step out of it. That is why God will intervene and save you from it. It may look like rejection or an unnecessary involvement that requires…

  • Self Development

    Peace will Start to Flow in your Heart once you learn to Forgive Yourself

    It is not easy to forgive and let go of the past, but you need to take some actions. What your heart longs for is not the apology from those that hurt you, but it hungers for acceptance and peace, which you deserve and what God wants for you. Forgiveness starts with you. It commences when you decide to be kind and gentle with yourself. You need to listen to what your pain tells you. You need to understand where it came from and how it was formed. You cannot keep blaming others because it is between you and yourself. All you can control is yourself and your mind. What…

  • His Word

    Day 484 – John 5:8-9

    Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. John 5:8-9, niv Jesus is your healer. If you are like the crippled man who wants to get well, then you can claim this verse today. Jesus made him walked again. He set him free from the bondages that he experienced. If you are asking God to do the same thing, and you haven’t received His miracle yet, then keep your faith. Don’t stop praying. Jesus hears your prayers. Declare healing in your life and remember who Jesus is. If you feel hopeless and…

  • Faith

    The thorns are there to reveal how God’s grace moves in your life

    The thorns in your life are not always meant to be removed just so you can feel less pain than they should. Its purpose is not just to reveal your strength and endurance in things, but it goes further than that. It will show its purpose, especially when everything seems complicated and challenging. It reveals its actual color in moments of doubt and regret. It is there to tell and show you that God’s grace is all over you and that He never leaves you. His grace is there to sustain you even though everything in your life looks like it’s crumbling down. Thorns are vessels to see and realize…

  • Self Development

    You can’t Hide your Wounds Forever

    You can silently cry in the darkness, keep the pain inside and try to appear whole and healed, but you can’t always hide your wounds forever. You may have a lot of ways how to temporarily set aside what you truly feel, but life will throw so many circumstances that bring out what you’ve been hiding. Sooner or later, the wounds will manifest in ways you never expect. You will try to express them through anger, bitterness, or fear. When you ignore the pain you feel, it will turn into negative emotions you can’t easily control. So before it bursts in the open, come to God and deal with the…