• Faith

    When You Finally Accept The Fact That Mere Humans Can Never Fill The Emptiness Inside

    One of the things that causes people to experience pain is the common mistake of depending on other human beings. People tend to expect others to fill the empty spaces in their hearts, thinking that it would be enough. This truth may be hard to swallow, but we need to slowly accept that mere humans can never fill the emptiness inside. They may temporarily give us the affection and love that we need, but it won’t be that consistent. Humans will fail. Our love will never be perfect. The sad thing is that it would be hard for us to receive God’s love if we kept on focusing on what…

  • Faith

    Jesus can Intimately Connect to your heart, especially when you are in Pain

    You may think that no one understands the pain that you feel inside, but Jesus knows what it feels like. He also went through suffering. He was rejected and condemned. He was accused and punished for the things that He didn’t do. Jesus was betrayed by His disciples. That’s why, He understands what you feel. It’s in the painful moments that you can intimately connect to His heart. It’s when you will realize the weight of the cross that He carried. It’s when you will have an idea about how big His love is. It’s in the darkest and most heartbreaking moments in your life that Jesus’ sacrifice becomes more…

  • His Word

    Acts 28:8, NIV

    His father was sick in bed, suffering from fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him and, after prayer, placed his hands on him and healed him. Acts 28:8, NIV Paul was held as a prisoner and was going to Rome. While they were on the journey, they encountered unexpected storms and were brought to the island called Malta. The people there saw what happened to Paul when he was bitten by a snake, but he suffered no ill effect. Because of this, they thought that Paul was a god. They brought the sick people to him, and one of them was the father of the island’s chief official.…

  • Faith

    God is with you even in the Wilderness

    One of the difficult moments in life is when you encounter problems that you think you can’t handle. It’s when you feel like you are walking in the darkness and there’s no one there to help. It’s when your tears can’t stop falling because of the pain you experienced. It’s like walking along the desert, and you can’t seem to find any shelter. It’s what we call the wilderness. It’s not easy to face it. It feels so devastating and painful, but the good news is God is always walking with you in the midst of storms and trials. He never let go of your hands. You may not feel…

  • Love

    God wants you to Feel His Love

    If you only see the hands of God in your life, you will realize that you are truly loved. If you only appreciate all the things that He did for you, then you will surely feel blessed even in the midst of struggles and problems. God wants you to feel His love every single moment. He wants to heal your wounds and fill your empty heart. He wants to be with you all throughout the days of your life. It’s His delight to see you prosper. He wants you to be a better person. But you need to go through the process. You need to walk along the path that…

  • His Word

    John 15:10 , NIV

    If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. John 15: 10, NIV Jesus showed us what it means to abide in God’s love. He followed the Father even in moments when He was scared. He also went through situations in life that were hard and challenging. But despite what He felt, Jesus continued to honor God. He chose to love even if it hurts. He sacrificed His life and followed the commands of God. May we also learn to do the same thing. There will be times when we need to go through challenging…

  • His Word

    Day 475 – John 1:43

    The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, “Follow me.” John 1:43, nIV Jesus didn’t look for His disciples in places He just accidentally discovered. He knew who they were even before He called them. He knew their backstory, their weaknesses, and the things that were going on in their hearts. Jesus intentionally looked for them, just like what He did to Philip. He knew that He wouldn’t find His next disciple in Galilee. That’s why He purposely left there and found Philip. And just like what He did to Philip, Jesus is also intentional in asking you to follow Him. If you…

  • His Word

    Day 428 – Luke 9:20

    “But what about you? he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Luke 9: 20, NIV Jesus asked this question to His disciples. He wanted to know who He was in their eyes. The disciples answered according to what they saw and heard. And Peter answered that He is God’s messiah. How about you? Who do you think Jesus is? Do you believe with all your heart that He is your savior and He saved you from the fires of hell? You will hear many things about who Jesus is, but what matters most is how you know Him. And you can only describe who He is in your heart…

  • His Word

    Day 345 – Mark 16:7

    But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see Him, just as He told you.’  Mark 16: 7, NIV During the day of Jesus’ resurrection, an angel of the Lord appeared to the women and said these words. He asked them to inform His disciples especially Peter about the good news. Before Jesus was crucified, Peter denied Him for three times, and that caused him to feel so guilty and sad. And there’s a wonderful reason why He was especially mentioned by the angel. It’s because Jesus is inviting him again in His arms. He didn’t condemn Peter for what…

  • His Word

    Day 332 – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

    Rejoice always, pray continually 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, NIV Choose to be happy despite the circumstances that you are in. Receive the joy of God and always put in mind that better days are coming. There may be moments when you are in pain, but just surrender what you feel to God and allow Him to reign inside your heart. Just pray and talk to Him. Tell Him about your worries and cares. Only then will you slowly receive His peace. Your conversation with Him will make you feel relieved. When you pour out your heart to Him, you will also hear His voice and feel His loving embrace. May you…