• His Word

    Day 344 – Psalm 111:4

    He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate. Psalm 111:4, NIV God allowed you to experience some of His miracles because He wants you to remember them. He will do something that will help you recall His goodness and grace in your life. So whenever you feel down and disappointed, just ask God for help. Let Him open your mind so that you will learn to recall the wonderful things that He did. He is gracious and compassionate. It means that He is always there to send the blessings that you need. So focus on His power and not on your weaknesses. Rely on…

  • Faith

    May Your Painful Moments Still Prove That God Is Good

    We can never control the things that happened around us. Sometimes, we will be challenged to go through hardships without even knowing the reason why. There will be painful moments. But even though we experience seasons of brokenness, may it prove that God is good despite everything we’ve been through. Things may appear so difficult in your life, but it will never change the truth that God loves you so much. His grace will flow, and He will rescue you. It’s not easy to overcome the pain, but God is faithful enough to give you the strength you need. May you learn to put your trust in Him and know…