• Faith

    Follow God even if you are Hurting

    Following God is not easy. You will go through the process of pruning and breaking. You will be molded, and sometimes, it hurts. But even if you are in pain, follow God anyway. Do what He asks you to do even if you can’t understand what’s happening. Lift up your hands and choose to glorify His name even in moments when your heart is breaking because, in those times, you are simply treating God as the King of your life. It means that you choose to acknowledge His will and accept His ways. You choose to abide in His instructions despite the fears that you feel. You keep His words…

  • His Word

    Day 397 – Luke 5:31

    Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. Luke 5:31, NIV We sometimes set our eyes on people who did good things for us. We tend to neglect those who are broken and in pain because we think that we can’t handle them. But we must remember that Jesus taught us to take good care of the sick – those who are hurting physically and emotionally. We must not condemn them. Just because they sin doesn’t mean they no longer have the chance to know our Savior. Jesus died to save us from our sins. He came for the sick people and not…

  • Poem

    When there’s Something Wrong Within

    If you think that you are the problemIf you know that there’s something wrong withinThen maybe, the pain that you feelIs all because of how you see yourself Sometimes, we tend to blame other peopleBut we fail to take a look at ourselvesWe think that we are controlled by their actionsBut the truth is, you always have the choice You are in charge of your own lifeIf you think that you need to change something withinThen don’t be afraid to admit it in the presence of GodYou can always call upon His nameAnd He will be there to help you If you know that you have problems within,Then learn to…

  • Poem

    God Knows

    When you are confusedAnd tiredWhen you feel lost insideGod knows When you are in painAnd suffering in silenceWhen you feel so weakGod knows When you are hurtingAnd your tears can’t stop fallingWhen you are wounded deep withinGod knows When you hide your problemsBehind your funny jokesAnd bright smilesGod knows He is awareOf the things you are facingHe knows what you feelAnd He will give the strength you need