• His Word

    Keep on Praying

    So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.   Acts 12: 5, NIV This happened after James was arrested and put to death by King Herod. When the King saw that what he did pleased the Jews, he then seized Peter. This moment wasn’t easy for the early church. Imagine one of your dear brothers died for the sake of the gospel. Perhaps they also felt scared by what happened because it simply meant that their lives were threatened. But then, if we try to imagine, the church must’ve also prayed for James to be saved and set free. They must’ve also…

  • His Word

    The Danger In Pleasing Imperfect Humans

    When he saw that this met with approval among the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Festival of Unleavened Bread. Acts 12: 3, NIV King Herod arrested James and put him to death. When he noticed that what he did met with approval among the Jews, he then seized Peter. As we noticed, King Herod was after of people’s approval. He wanted to please them to the point of sacrificing someone’s life. Perhaps, he was thinking about the fame and the power that he might gain the moment he followed what the people wanted. According to the commentaries, this was Herod Agrippa I, the grandson…

  • His Word

    There Are People Who Sacrificially Preached The Message That We Now Freely Received

    It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. Acts 12: 1-2, NIV The early Christians experienced great persecution in the past. After Stephen’s death, Acts 12 recorded how James, one of Jesus’ disciples died. King Herod put him to death with a sword. This must’ve been difficult for the remaining disciples. Imagine one of your friends, whom you spent most of your days with, died for the gospel that you also preached. By this time around, James faithfully ended his life with Jesus in his heart.…

  • His Word

    Day 387 – Luke 5:11

    So they pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed Him. Luke 5:11, NIV Simon, James, and John witnessed a miracle that Jesus performed. He showed them what it feels like when He moves. But despite the wonderful miracle that they experienced, they did not stay with the blessing, but instead, they left everything and followed Jesus. This is a wonderful reminder for us to fix our eyes on Jesus and not on the miracles that He did in our lives. Let’s follow where He goes because it’s Him who knows our purpose here on earth. Without Him, we are nothing. He alone can lead us to…