Treat your job as an opportunity for you to glorify God
There is a reason why God gave you that kind of job. You may think that it’s for the sake of earning money, but there’s a deeper purpose why you are in that. God is giving you a very big opportunity right now. This is your time to share to the people around you who Jesus is by how you talk, move, and perform your duties. Let His light shine, and you will experience miracles in your life. Sometimes, it’s not an easy thing to do, especially when you are surrounded by people who don’t believe in Him, but the more you show them who God is by the way…
Be Grateful for the Job that you have right now
Not all people are given a chance to work in this time of crisis. Some of them are still looking for opportunities, so if you happen to have a job that pays you well, then choose to be grateful and stop complaining. You may receive a lot of pressure and stress, but treat them as an opportunity for you to grow and learn new things. Remember that you are blessed because what you have right now are answers to somebody’s prayer. Thank God for all the blessings that you receive from Him. Stop focusing on the negative things. Pray that He will open the eyes of your heart so that…
Keep on Reading the Bible
Read the BibleIt’s the best solution to your problemsYou may not find the exact solution you wantBut you will discover a lot of lessons there You will be reminded of your true identity in the LordIf you are so confused with your decisions right nowThen learn to read the Bible You can always learn a lot of practical wisdom thereIf you need comfort,You can always turn to the word of GodAnd you will always be reminded about His great love for you Read the story of JesusAnd you will know what true love isYou will have an idea of how He handles temptation Study the letters of the apostlesAnd you…