• His Word

    Acts 28:31, NIV

    He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! Acts 28:31, NIV Paul arrived in Rome because the Jews compelled him to appeal to Caesar. There, he continued to testify about what Jesus did in his life, and because they couldn’t find any justifiable reason to keep him in prison, Paul was given the chance to stay in Rome for two years. And there, He proclaimed the Kingdom of God. The difficulties and persecutions that he experienced in Jerusalem didn’t stop Him from teaching people about who Jesus is. With all boldness and without hindrance, Paul chose to glorify God. He…

  • His Word

    Acts 9:4-6, NIV

    He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” Acts 9:4-6, NIV Saul was one of those who persecuted God’s disciples. He threatened them. He didn’t know that he was also doing the same thing to Jesus. But despite all the things that He did, Jesus appeared to him and encountered him. He introduced Himself to this sinner and allowed Saul to meet Him in a divine moment.…

  • His Word

    John 18:36, NIV

    Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” John 18: 36, nIV This is what Jesus said to Pilate when He asked Him if He was the King of the Jews. At this moment, Jesus was accused by the High priest, and they wanted Him to be crucified on the cross. But even though our Savior went through this torment, He still knew who He was. Jesus is a King. It just happens that during the moment, His kingdom is not that visible because God intended…

  • Faith

    When God Trusts you enough to testify His Goodness Despite your Circumstances

    There are events in your life that will lead you to ask so many questions to God. If He healed others, then why can’t I receive my own miracle? If He saved someone from their problems, then why can’t I escape this tragedy I am in? You are left with nothing but questions that will lead you to doubt your faith. All you see are just the obstacles in front of you. Things got worse because you chose to treat yourself as a victim instead of a victor. Yes, you are facing a terrible situation right now, but what if God purposely allowed you to go through that pain because…

  • His Word

    Day 457 – Luke 18:17

    Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. Luke 18:17, NIV You will never experience what it feels like to live in the Kingdom of Heaven if you don’t receive it like a little child. Kids are innocent and pure. Their eyes know how to appreciate the little yet amazing things around them. They take what they experience as it is, and they rarely have doubts and disbelief. You will also learn what true humility is if you try to observe their ways. They are dependent, and they need someone who can guide and lead them. They…

  • Faith

    We can never satisfy our Spirit just by relying on our own Efforts and Strengths

    “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3, NIV Sometimes, when we are at the peak of our success, or when we feel that our life flows so smoothly, we think what we have is more than enough. We tend to rely on our strengths, thinking we can survive on our own. We focus on the riches that we have, and we live as if we are the ruler of our lives. But the sad truth is that life is not perfect. Whether we like it or not, we will go through seasons where we will realize how much we need God. The…

  • Faith

    Are you willing to take some Risks for God?

    Following God is not easy. There will be moments when you need to sacrifice your own desires just for Him to be glorified. It requires faith and trust. Above all, it’s a great risk that you need to take. But living in God’s presence is more than a reward that you can receive here on earth. It’s a great privilege to know Him despite the brokenness and pain that you feel. The risks that you will take are nothing compared to the great blessings that God prepared. If you only learn to move forward and keep going despite the fears that you feel inside, then you will surely find it…

  • Faith

    May Everything we do lead to God’s Glory

    Our actions are a product of what we have within us. As water reflects a man’s image, so does our mouth reflect what’s in our hearts. That is why we need to be observant of our actions. Let us be careful not to act carelessly, or we might hurt other people in our lives. Careless acts could harm us and those that are innocent. Remember that our actions speak louder than our words. Therefore, we need to be as careful as possible and evaluate ourselves. Our selves could surprise us most of the time. We could get overwhelmed when we discover that there are things that we never thought we…

  • Poem

    When you give

    Have the genuine heartTo give to the needyDo it secretlyYou don’t have to announce it Even how small it will beGod sees your motivesHe knows your heartAnd let Him reward you You are a vesselShare your blessingsGive what you canDo it for His kingdom Purify your thoughtsAlign it to HisSeek His willThen He will give you more God constantly providesSo have the heartGive it awayAnd let Him bless you

  • His Word

    Day 195 – Psalms 145:13

    Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. Psalms 145:13, NIV The Kingdom of God endures forever. He will reign no matter what happens. It means that He will fulfill His great plans. Choose to trust in Him and believe in His promises. His words are true, and He is always faithful. His love for you will never change. You may think that you are surrounded by negative things, but the power of God is moving in the midst. You can’t see it yet, but you will experience miracles and wonders…