• Faith

    Better Days are Coming

    There is still hope. Do not give up. You may feel so tired and weary because of your situation, but know that better days are coming. Do not focus on what you are going through. You can’t appreciate the good things around you because your mind is occupied with negative thoughts. Remember the goodness of God. Recall His promises and believe with all your heart that it will come to pass. Have faith and keep walking. Treat God as the source of your strength, and you will make it. Rely on His great love for you and surrender the pain that you feel. Share to Him all your worries and…

  • His Word

    Day 188 – Psalm 139:13

    For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13, NIV You are not an accident. If you think that you are worthless, then put this verse in your mind. God is your creator. He destined you to do great things in life. He took good care of you even before you were born. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He is the reason why you are here. So if you doubt yourself, then fix your eyes on your Heavenly Father. And He will remind you who you truly are. In Him, you will discover your true identity. He gave you a…

  • Faith

    Your Life is too Expensive

    No one can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for them— the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough— Psalm 49:7-8, NIV Your life is one of the biggest blessings you could even receive. It is so expensive because no amount of money is ever enough for you to have a long time here on earth. God ordains your life, and whether you like it or not, He alone knows what will happen next. Remember that even the rich people can never pay God just to have the long life they wanted. Yes, they can pay for hospital bills, but if…

  • His Word

    Day 172 – Psalm 119:37

    Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. Psalm 119:37, NIV Pray that God will protect you from the things that will just destroy your soul in the end. Let Him preserve your life and keep you away from harm. Remember that this world has a different standard. People will treat you as a successful person if you have a lot of money and property. But in the eyes of God, worldly wealth is just temporary. Yes, you can use them for God’s glory, but if you consume everything just for your selfish desires, you will realize that it’s all worthless. Allow God to…

  • Self Development

    Remember the reason why you Decided to Let Go

    Letting go takes courage, and it’s not an easy thing to do. So never forget the reason why you walk away and keep them in your heart because those reasons are important lessons that gave you the strength to move forward. And you will never realize those lessons, not until you experience so much pain inside. They are so expensive because it takes tears and sacrifices for you to finally discover them. So don’t waste your pain. Carry the important reminders that God gave you and let them direct your life. When you feel so tired of your situation, recall those wonderful things that you learned from Him. And never…

  • Poem

    What about Love Himself?

    Shallow tearsBroken smilesHidden promisesAre left behind Tiresome adventureA trip with no pleasureA heart that is tornA journey full of obstacles Closed doorsPainful wordsUnexpected tomorrowsDying hopes Walking inside the shadowsDancing in thornsWeeping in agonySleeping behind the walls You can nameSo many thingsThat hinders youFrom living But what aboutLife and blessings?Comfort and shelter?What about Love Himself?

  • His Word

    Day 164 -Psalms 116:7

    Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. Psalms 116:7,NIV When you feel so troubled and burdened, command this verse to your soul. Find rest in the arms of God and remember His goodness. Recall the miracles that He did in your life. Never forget the blessings that you received from Him. Reminisce those moments when He saved you from greater pain. Testify to your soul that God is faithful and His promises never fail. By this, you will learn to trust Him again and keep your faith in Him. Your heavenly Father loves you so much, so strengthen your foundation and let your…

  • Poem

    What Life is About

    Sometimes, it’s not about holding onBut it’s about letting goIt’s not about controlling your situationBut it’s about allowing God to move Sometimes, it’s not just about healingBut it’s about the lessonsThat you need to learnBehind the pain that you experienced Sometimes, it’s not just about finding happinessBut it’s following GodIt’s about honoring His NameEven if it takes brokenness and suffering Sometimes, this life is not about doing what you wantIt’s not about thinking of only yourselfBut it’s about serving othersAnd loving them even when you are hurting You will only experience the best in lifeThe moment you follow GodBecause He alone knows what is rightHe alone knows your path

  • Faith

    Your life will be different if you Know who you are in the eyes of God

    Your creator is the only One who knows you from the inside out, so you need to listen to His voice. Things will be so different if you will just live according to how He created you. In Him, you will feel empowered. He will prove to you that you are not just an ordinary person. He created you with a great purpose in mind. His plans for you are always for your own good. He designed you with unique talents and gifts that you can offer to the world. In Him, you will not see yourself as garbage. Instead, you will be reminded of your potential and the great…

  • Self Development

    Some things in Life will not end Happily

    We can’t predict what will happen in the future. And there will be days that we badly want to escape because they are sad endings that break our hearts. But despite the pain, we need to accept the truth that everything around us will change and what we can do is to move forward. You need to keep walking because God is always there to guide and lead you. The pain that you experience will not stay with you forever. Things will be better, and when the time is right, God will teach you how to surrender the things you can’t control. In Him, you will have the courage to…