Day 158 -Psalms 111:4
He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate. psalMs 111:4, nIV God did so many great things in your life for a purpose. He wants you to remember them, especially when you feel so weary and tired. His wonders are there for you to be reminded that no matter how difficult your life may be. You always have the reason to keep moving. Through His miraculous works in your life, you will know what His grace means. You will receive His compassion, and you will realize that His love is all you need. So fix your eyes on the blessings around you. Never forget…
Day 156 – Psalm 107:28
Then they cried out the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. Psalm 107:28, NIV When you are going through hardships and troubles, just call upon God, and He will rescue you. Surrender your worries and fears to Him. Let Him take good care of you. Do not rely on other people. Instead, put your hope in God, and do not be dismayed. He will bring you out from the darkness you are in. Trust in His name, and do not be troubled. Focus on His power and turn your negative thoughts into powerful prayers. Lift up your hands and cry out to Him. He…
Day 153 – Psalms 105:4
Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. Psalms 105:4,NIV This world will give you so many distractions. That’s why you need to set your eyes on Him. Focus on His power, especially when you are surrounded by problems. Receive His strength and do not rely on your own understanding. Remember His promises and know that He will fulfill all of them. Our God is faithful. He knows how to take good care of you. Seek His face and not the treasures of this world. Recall the miracles that He did in your life and choose to trust in Him. When you think that you can’t carry…
Day 144 – Psalm 97:10
Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for He guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked. PsalM 97:10, NIV Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind. Stop doing the things that dishonor His name. Please Him and let the works of your hands magnify His goodness and grace. Stay faithful to Him. Use the resources He has given you and maximize His gifts. Give Him your best and keep following His voice. He will deliver you from the hands of the wicked. He will guide you throughout the way. Just offer your life to Him, and He…
Day 138 – Psalm 91:2
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Pslam 91:2, NIV Keep this verse in your heart so that when you experience painful and unexpected events, you will be reminded that God is your refuge and fortress. In Him, you are always safe. People may try to harm you, or you may go through storms and uncertainties, but keep trusting God, and you will find rest in His arms. He will comfort you and give you the peace that you need. When you can’t understand what’s going on, let this verse open your eyes to His great power. You…
Day 131 – Psalm 86:13
For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths, from the realm of the dead. PsalM 86:13, NIV I can never fathom your love, Lord. You accepted me for who I am. You reminded me of my identity even in moments when I forgot to glorify your name. I may fail you, but your help is always ready every time I need a deliverer. You rescued me from my painful past. You give me the light I need. I may walk through the darkness, but still, your hands never stopped holding me. You stayed faithful even when I committed mistakes. You keep my heart beating…
Day 85 – Psalm 41:1
Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble. Psalm 41:1, NIV We are all surrounded by weak people. Sometimes, we feel the same way, especially when we face so many problems. So choose to be kind to others. You never really know the struggles they have inside. If you happen to meet people who find it hard to move forward, then be that person who reminds them that there is still hope. Learn to give yourself away so that other people will live. Choose to serve even in moments when you are not okay. Offer what you have for those who…
Let your Peace be so Expensive that Nobody else can Steal it
You have the freedom to make your own choices. Know that people can’t disturb you as long as you know how to manage your emotions and the things that are happening around you. Remember that the peace of God is always available, and all you need to do is receive it and learn to make boundaries. Let the peace you have inside be so expensive that other people can’t easily steal it. Treasure it more than the riches that you acquire here on earth. Remember that it is something that you can’t buy from others. It’s expensive than you think. So don’t allow other people’s behavior to destroy your precious…
Day 58 – Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalm 28:7, NIV If you feel so weak right now, always remember that you can trust God. Treat Him as your only source of strength, and you will get through this. He will send help. He sees your suffering, and He listens to your prayers. Choose to worship Him and remind yourself about the great miracles that He did. Put His promises inside your heart and know that in Him, you will always receive hope. His light will shine in your…
Day 45 – Psalm 16:8
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8, NIV Set your eyes on God, and you will never be shaken. Focus on His goodness and love. Stop looking at your problems or the difficult things that you experienced. You will only feel so down if you keep on thinking about what went wrong. Think about the positive things that surround you. Try to appreciate the power of God in your life. Know that He will always be there to give you strength. Trust in Him and keep your faith. Treat Him as the King of your life,…