• His Word

    God’s Desire Is To Save The Lost

    For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10, NIV Jesus said these words after he visited the house of a chief tax collector named Zacchaeus. People were trying to criticize Him because He was with a sinner. But Jesus reminded them that He came to seek and save the lost. He made himself available for Zacchaeus. He knew that he needed His salvation and grace. He didn’t stop just because people were criticizing Him. At the end of the day, His heart’s desire is to save the lost and heal those who are sick. We are surrounded by many “Zacchaeus” in our lives…

  • Poem

    My Best Lover

    I tried to live life on my ownI made decisions for the sake of pleasureI thought everything will be okayBut life throws a lot of challenges to me I was brokenI was lostBut you are thereYou are holding me close I committed a mistakeI lost my sensesI fail to ask you firstBut you stayed with me, Lord You never leave me aloneEven in the midst of painYou healed my heartYou gave me strength You are my redeemerMy only saviorIn you, I find my shelterYou are my best Lover

  • Poem

    Teach Me How To Listen

    When I can’t understand what’s happeningWhen I can’t see your hands movingWhen I find myself strugglingLord, please teach me how to listen When the voices in my head are too muchWhen I can no longer figure things outWhen I feel so scared insideLord, please teach me how to listen When I can’t control my feelingsWhen I am too bombarded with negative thingsWhen I feel so empty and lostLord, please teach me how to listen Guide me to the right pathLead me to Your heartTeach me how to follow your voiceEven if I can’t see anything Teach me how to open my earsPlease put your words in my heartRemind me about…

  • His Word

    Day 179 – Luke 19:10

    For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10, NIV Jesus came here on earth to save all of us. He is looking for those who feel lost deep within. If you think that you are surrounded with darkness all around you. Just remember that Jesus wants to save you from the dark path that you are walking right now. He will give you light. Just trust in Him. You may not understand what’s happening but always keep in your heart Jesus loves you so much. His alone can save you from the pain that you are going through. He will redeem you from…

  • Self Development

    When You Just Feel So Disconnected From The World You Live In

    Have you ever experienced that moment in your life when you just can’t connect to the people around you? You don’t know how to react, or you just can’t find the words you wanted to say. You remained so silent, and you would rather live life on your own and stop building relationships with others. There is emptiness in your heart, and you feel so numb inside. Have you ever felt so exhausted to the point that you no longer give your all because you are too tired to do it? The feeling of being disconnected may be so hard for you to handle, but you need to remember this.…