• His Word

    Serving God Won’t Always Lead Us To A Happy And Exciting Life

    When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed. They all wept as they embraced him and kissed him. What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to the ship. Acts 20: 36-38, NIV Paul experienced many painful things while doing God’s ministry. When he met with the Ephesian leaders, he expressed his heart as their shepherd and then prayed for them. After that, they all wept for him because it grieved them to know that they would never see his face again. These moments were heartbreaking. We somehow thought that when we follow…

  • Faith,  Relationship

    Treat your Family as your First Ministry

    The people that you love may not be perfect, but God will never put them in your life without a purpose. Remember that He already determines who you will meet along the journey. There may be days when you can’t help but question His choices and will, but trust that God knows what He is doing. He gave you special and unique people that you can serve and love for the rest of your life. So when you can’t find the reasons why you need to stay with them, may this be your constant reminder. God wants you to love every family remember, regardless of the pain and brokenness that…

  • His Word

    Day 464 – Luke 22:32

    But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. Luke 22: 32, NIV Jesus said these words to Simon during the last supper. Before He was arrested, He gathered His disciples and tried to encourage them. He knew that Simon, who is also known as Peter, would betray Him. Imagine the person who’s always been with Him throughout the ministry will deny him in front of people. But despite this painful thing that Simon would do, Jesus still prayed for him, that he would turn back and strengthen his brothers. Our Savior believed that Peter would still…