• His Word

    Day 232 – James 1:22

    Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22, niv It takes an obedient heart to experience more of God’s love. Change won’t happen if you just listen and read the word of God. You need to put His instructions into action. Yes, it’s not easy, and sometimes, you need to step outside your comfort zone, but the more you try new things, the more you will grow in His presence. Pray that God will give you the courage and motivation to apply what you learned. Ask Him to open your eyes so that you will appreciate the opportunities that He gave…

  • Faith

    It takes an Obedient Heart to live in the Kingdom of God

    A Kingdom exists because there is someone who reigns. Living in God’s Kingdom means you acknowledge and honor His sovereignty. You treat Him as your King, and you allow Him to rule your life. It takes an obedient and humble heart to stay in His presence. So if you think that you are still following your own will and plans, then it’s time for you to surrender everything to Him. Do not depend on your own understanding. Call upon His Name and ask for guidance. You can’t follow Him according to your own efforts and strengths. You need His love to change and heal your wounds inside. You need His…

  • Faith

    God Will Use What You Have To Glorify His Name

    Never underestimate the blessings that God already provided for you. Maybe you think that what you have is not enough, but if you just allow Him, then He will use the little things in your life and make them great so that He can bless other people. God is just looking for someone who is willing to offer the smallest blessing for the sake of those who need some help. That simple offering will be part of God’s great miracle. You will be amazed because He will multiply what you have so that you can serve more people in His kingdom. He is just after your heart. If He sees…