• His Word

    Romans 8:18, NIV

    I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18, NIV You never really know what’s waiting for you in the Kingdom of God. You may not understand the reason why you need to go through suffering and experience so much pain but keep in mind that God is listening to your cries. He is preparing something incomprehensible for you. Our sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed to us. So choose to persevere. Keep walking along the path that God wants you to take. Believe with all your heart that everything you offer to…

  • Poem

    You will Get There

    Take your timeEnjoy your journeyLearn the lessonsAnd you will get there Do not rushBe patientTrust God’s processAnd you will get there Choose to persevereWork harderGive your bestAnd you will get there You will arrive at the placeThat God prepared for youYou will receiveHis great blessings You will experience more HimHis plans will always prevailTrust GodAnd you will get there

  • His Word

    Day 340 – James 1:12

    Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12, NIv Keep going and choose to persevere even in the midst of hardships. God is preparing a crown of life for you. So do not stop loving Him even if it takes brokenness and pain. Following Him may not be that easy, but the struggles that you will experience can never compare to the great blessings that God prepared for you. Hold on to the promises of God in your life and be patient. Do not lose…

  • Faith

    Challenges Are Opportunities For You To Increase Your Faith

    You can always change your perspective. Sometimes, we look at the challenges as obstacles in achieving our dreams in life. But the truth is, behind the hardships are great opportunities for you to increase your faith. This is the moment when God will move and perform miracles in your life. All you need to do is believe in His power. Remind yourself about the great things that He did in your life before and know that He will never change. Treat this moment as God’s way of teaching you how to deeply trust in Him. You may not see the results of your efforts, but one day, you will learn…