• Poem

    Not just a Shadow

    You are not somebody’s shadowGod’s light is in youSo stop treating yourselfAs if you are a slave to someone else God gave you the freedom to chooseYou are His precious childSo go outside of your own shellAnd shine through the darkness You can be who God wants you to beDon’t let other people’s opinionDictate your steps and decisionsDream big and do it for God’s glory Keep walkingDo not be afraidOther people can’t control youAs long as you won’t allow them Let go and move forwardKeep yourself away from toxic peopleExpose yourself to the lightAnd you will appreciate who you truly are

  • His Word

    Day 109 – Psalm 68:5

    A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His Holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5, NIV There may be moments when you long for a loving embrace of a father, but always remember that God is there. You are His precious child, His beloved. Come to Him, and He will let you feel His unending love. He will provide for what you need, and He will be there to defend you. Treat Him as your Father, and you will live this life with confidence. God is watching, and He will never abandon you, especially when you need help. Call upon His name, and He will be in the…

  • Self Development

    You Will Value Other People When You Fully Grasp Your Worth In God’s Eyes

    You can’t give what you don’t have. It will be very challenging for you to appreciate other people if you don’t know your identity in the Lord. How you see yourself will reflect in the way you treat others. If you find it hard to see the worth of other people, then try to check your heart because there’s a possibility that you also fail to recognize who you truly are in the eyes of your loving Father. So if you wanted to be a better person, then get to know yourself first according to how God sees you, and only then will you learn to extend His love to…

  • Poem

    The Presence of God

    I will stop strivingI will stop relying on my own understandingI will stop putting all my trust in my own skillsBecause I finally realized thatEverything in Your Kingdom LordIs not about my own worksBut it’s all about receiving In the first placeYou already prepared everythingAnd all I need to do is to open my heartAnd receive the portionThat you prepared for me I just learned that all this timeI’m not living like your childI keep on living like an orphanThinking that I am just nothingBut the moment you came into my heartYou made me realize thatI am your beloved childWhom you had prepared a wonderful present for You want me…