Maybe you are too Exhausted because you Forgot to include God in the Process
You started everything just by following your own plans. You took a step without His guidance. And now, you feel so exhausted because you find yourself walking along the path without His love and kindness. Maybe you are tired because you do things on your own all this time. You forgot to include God in the process. If you can’t find the strength that you need, then you can pause and ask Him to take over. He is just waiting for you to surrender. Stop carrying all the burdens on your shoulders. Come in His presence and acknowledge His power. Submit to Him all your worries, and He will help…
Day 282 – 1 Thessalonians 5:5
You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:5, NIV Come to the light and walk in the Presence of God. You may think that you are living in the darkness right now because of the pain and struggles that you’ve been going through, but always remember that God is with you. He will shine in the darkest season of your journey. He will be there to guide and protect you. So do not treat yourself as someone who belongs to the darkness. Lift up your head and focus on Him. Choose to…
Day 275 – May 1
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18, NIV Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to minister to you. He gave you a counselor and a teacher. You are not alone. You may think that you are like an orphan, but remember that the Holy Spirit is with you. He is speaking to you right now. Just humble yourself and acknowledge His instructions. Read the bible, and you will be reminded about God’s commands. Follow His voice, and you will feel His presence. This world may give you so many problems, but never forget that Jesus is with you. He never leaves you nor forsakes…
Day 268 – Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12, NIV Rejoice in the presence of God because, in Him, you will find hope that will give you the courage to keep moving. Focus on His promises, and He will never fail you. Be patient when you go through suffering. Remember that God has a purpose why He allowed you to experience difficulties. Believe with all your heart that He is always there to love and protect you. Keep praying, and don’t stop sharing your heart with Him. He is listening to the cries of your heart. He wants to give you the best things in life. So…
You will experience more of Jesus the Moment you Step out and Serve others
Experiencing the presence of Jesus is one of the most rewarding things that will happen in your life. Your earthly wealth is nothing compared to the fulfillment and joy you will receive in the arms of your Savior. It feels like heaven here on earth. You will still go through pain, but His peace will be there to give you the assurance that better days are coming. In His presence, you will find satisfaction. You will learn to rejoice even in the midst of suffering and problems. And you can experience more of Him when you choose to step out of your comfort zone and serve those people who are…
Day 243 – 1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9, NIv Our Heavenly Father sacrificed His son to save us from hell. Jesus came so that we might live through Him. We can’t reach the standards of God on our own. He is so holy and righteous. That’s why we need the precious blood of Jesus to cleanse us from our sins. We need His grace and forgiveness so that we will be accepted in the presence of God. We must not rely on our own works because only Jesus can redeem…
You can never Deny your wounds in the Presence of God
God is more concerned with your heart than your physical appearance. So if He reveals the things that you need to deal with, then choose to follow Him and do not deny what you feel. You can’t hide your pain from God. He is your Creator, and He knows what’s going on. If you think that He is breaking your heart, then remind yourself that the healing process is always painful. But you need to be patient and let Him mend your wounds. He is the best doctor. He can powerfully restore and renew your heart, so keep your faith and surrender in His presence. Do not carry the pain…
Humble yourself, and you will be Honored
The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Matthew 23: 11-12, NIV This world treats those who have the authority to command and dictate others as powerful and influential. People tend to consider those who are in the higher rank or those who are rich enough as honorable and worthy of our respect. But in the eyes of God, He gives honor to those people who know how to humble themselves and serve others. He looks at the heart and not the physical appearance. He evaluates everybody’s motives. So if you want to be…
Day 198 – Psalms 147:6
The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground. Psalms 147:6, NIV Stay humble in the presence of God. Acknowledge His sovereignty in your life. Stop following your own judgments. Instead, consult Him and let Him lead you. Do not boast about your own strength. Seek Him and trust in His great love. He will sustain you as long as you remain humble in His eyes. You can’t live this life on your own. You need God and His grace. So choose to stay in His arms and handle His blessings properly. Serve His people and don’t abuse the freedom that God has given you. Use it…
Sometimes, you need to Deal with your Problems on the Spiritual Level
There are problems that are caused by the enemy, so if you think that there’s nothing that you can do in the physical realm, then you need to learn how to fight the battle on the spiritual level. Maybe your faith is being tested, and you need to hold on to God so that you will receive enough strength. This is the reason why you must keep on praying. Do not stop talking to Him. Stay connected in His presence. Align your thoughts to His will, and you will know what to do. Acknowledge the truth that the spiritual world exists. You may not physically see it, but a lot…