Know That You Are Not Just The Only One Who Is Carrying A Heavy Burden
Choose to be kind to the people around you because you don’t know what they are going through. Know that you are not just the only one who feels so lost and tired. There are people around you who are also carrying heavy burdens. Always remember the love of God and treat others the way God treated you. There are times when we tend to judge those who commit mistakes and treat them as if they are strangers, but remember that you are also human, and just like them, you are not perfect. Purify your thoughts and just appreciate every kind deeds that you receive from others because you never…
You Are Created To Be an Answer, And Not A Problem
You are not a problem. Remember that God will never create something that will destroy someone’s life. You may think that you are just a mistake. But God created you for a purpose. You are part of His solutions. So live this life according to your true identity, and please don’t treat yourself as useless. If you only knew the things that God prepared for you, then you will discover the wonderful future that you are meant to experience. He will use your life to honor His name and to bless someone else. Move forward and do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You are more than who…
Sometimes, You Go Through The Darkness So That You Can Appreciate The Light
There are days in life when we are too caught up with the things that we already achieved. We feel so overwhelmed with our busy schedules, and we tend to ignore the presence of God along the process. We learned to rely on Him before when we still experience hardships, but sometimes, when we already receive everything, we tend to forget the beauty of just staying in His presence. That’s why there are moments when we go through the dark path because God wants us to appreciate His light even in the simplest blessings that we receive from Him. When God sees that our relationship with Him is at risk,…
Your Problems Are Just Temporary
Everything will change except God. You will face many uncertainties in life, and it will push you to change into a mature person. The problems that you encounter will never last. It will fade away, and you will experience peace and rest. So never treat your temporary situation as something permanent because it will only break your heart in the end. Know that for everything, there is a season. There are moments when we feel satisfied and happy. And there are also times when we feel so broken and lost. That’s why never anchor your faith in your situation. Focus on God, for He will never change. He will stay…
God Knows
When you are confusedAnd tiredWhen you feel lost insideGod knows When you are in painAnd suffering in silenceWhen you feel so weakGod knows When you are hurtingAnd your tears can’t stop fallingWhen you are wounded deep withinGod knows When you hide your problemsBehind your funny jokesAnd bright smilesGod knows He is awareOf the things you are facingHe knows what you feelAnd He will give the strength you need
Fulfilled in His arms
The challenges around youWill test your faithThis world will give you thingsThat will never satisfy you in the end The pain you feel insideWill create fear in your heartAnd you will stop believingBecause of what you experienced You will go through hardshipsBut no matter how many problems you faceHis love will stay foreverAnd that will never change There may be uncertaintiesBut God will give you enough graceHe will strengthen your heartAnd you will feel so fulfilled in His arms
The Crisis In Your Life Will Reveal The Status Of Your Heart
Life will give us many surprises, and some of them are things that you don’t like. The uncertainties will sometimes turn everything upside down, and you just can’t help but deal with it. You will go through a crisis that you can’t understand, and you will find yourself fighting some battles that you never see. It’s hard to go through that kind of season, but the hardships you face will reveal your heart’s status. It’s when you realize that there is still certain pain that you need to surrender to God. And only then will you learn more about yourself. Yes, it’s not easy, but you will grow after that…
The Peace That Calms My Heart
Uncertainties are part of lifeI can never control itWhat I can do is learn to trustEven if I can’t see what’s ahead I may face challengesLife may throw so many problemsBut God will be my assuranceHe is the peace that calms my heart He is the sun that gives me lightGod is the one who will provideI don’t know what tomorrow bringsBut I will keep my faith in Him My days on earth may not be perfectBut I know that it’s always worth itFor God’s love is always thereAnd He will give me rest
It’s Not About The Problems You Face, But It’s About How You Deal With Them
Problems are part of life. That’s why, we don’t have the choice but to face it. And sometimes, we tend to focus on negative situations rather than managing ourselves. If you wanted to overcome everything that’s happening around you, stop looking at the challenges in front of you. Remember that you can never control your surroundings. That’s why you need to take charge of yourself and deal with your problems by simply doing the things you can control. And if you will learn to deal with yourself and the way you look at things, then that’s the time you will be able to face any problems in life. Know that…
Trusting God Despite The Problems You Face Requires Deeper Faith
Believing in something that you cannot see is never an easy thing to do. It requires so much faith, especially when you face a lot of problems. When you are in pain, you can’t help but be consumed with doubts and worries. You tend to feel so much fear because you think that no one else will help you. You forget God because you can’t even feel His presence in your life. Going through difficult seasons will really test your faith, but those moments are simply opportunities for you to believe in Him. It will help you grow, and it will lead you to become a better person. If you…