Why is it Hard to Surrender?
When painful memories try to dominate my thoughts, when tears keep flowing, and when fear wants to reign, people will often say that I need to surrender. “Lift them up to God.” “Stop carrying the pain.” “Let go.” “Surrender.” These words are so easy to utter but so hard to do. How I wish I could easily dictate my heart not to be afraid. How I wish it was just a switch that I could easily turn on or off. If only things were not that complicated. It’s hard. It’s not easy to let go, especially when you want to control everything that is happening around you. It’s painful to…
Rest is a Necessity
You need rest. Your body, mind, and soul need to be restored. If you don’t stop and take a pause, you will reap painful consequences in the end. This is the reason why rest is a necessity. God created it to be part of our lives. He proved it as very essential even in the very beginning. In the book of Genesis, you will read that God rested from all the work He had done on the seventh day. This is a powerful reminder for us to also do the same thing. Rest is not just about taking a break from work, but it’s deeper than that. For our bodies,…
When Hope Seems So Hard To Find
Have you ever felt so lost and broken inside? Have you ever felt like there’s no way out? The tunnel you were in was so dark that you couldn’t find any light. Your heart is longing for relief, and deep inside, you are hoping to find some space to just breathe. You felt hopeless, and it seems like help is out of reach. If you are in this difficult situation right now, then remind yourself about this important truth: God will never leave you behind. You are not alone in this season. You may think that no one cares for you, but the truth is that God loves you so…
Just Because You Can’t Feel Other People’s love Doesn’t Mean God Doesn’t Love You As Well
Your feelings are valid, but don’t make it your master. There may be days when you just can’t feel love from the people around you, but that doesn’t mean God is not there. He is behind the blessings that you received and the good things that happened in your life. God loves you regardless of what you feel. Remember that He never changes. So, when others fail to show you their love, treat it as an opportunity to rely on God. Come in His presence and ask for His comfort. Trust in His ways and be dependent on His promises. Let your faith grow, especially when you are surrounded by…
1 Corinthians 1:9, NIV
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9, NIV Remember this verse if you are going through so many struggles in life and you feel like there’s no hope left. God is faithful. He will never change. So don’t be afraid, especially when you face unexpected circumstances. Don’t be easily discouraged. Know that your God is faithful, and His promises will remain. His grace will be there to sustain you. He will give you everything that you need, including those things that you never asked for. Just set your eyes on Jesus. Stay in His arms and abide in…
Have Faith in God’s Plans and Promises
When you go through so many trials in life, there’s this one important thing that you need to do. You must believe with all your heart, mind, and soul that God has great and wonderful plans for you. His promises are true. You may not always feel it because you went through so much pain and heartache, but sometimes, you don’t have to feel His presence. You need to know that He is there despite all your questions and doubts. Faith is about believing in God regardless of your situation and the condition of your heart. It’s about standing in His promises even when you are shaking and scared. When…
Romans 8:25, NIV
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:25, NIV Wait for what God prepared for you. Keep your hopes up. You may not see what’s waiting for you on the other side, but do what’s right in His eyes. Keep following Him. Abide in His will and let His light shine in your life. Patiently wait for Him to move. Activate your faith. It means that you need to believe that great things will happen even if you can’t see them yet. You need to hold on to what God is saying even if what’s happening around you is the…
Will you still believe in God even if you can’t Hear the Answers to your Questions?
Faith begins the moment you choose to stay with Him, even if you can’t understand what’s happening. It is not about knowing all the answers, but it’s all about believing in God’s promises, even if you can’t see them yet. So if you can’t hear the voice of God in this season, then maybe what He wants you to do is simply trust Him. If you can’t feel His presence, then maybe this is the perfect time for you to exercise your faith. Trust Him even in moments when you are in pain. Your negative feelings can never invalidate God’s existence. Just because you are not okay doesn’t mean God…
God is Protecting you in ways you can’t easily Comprehend
God moves in mysterious ways. Sometimes, you think that your situation is leading you to death. The pain seems so unbearable that you feel like you are always in danger. You can’t see His hands, and you find it hard to comprehend His ways. The problems around you somehow pushed you to believe that God doesn’t care. But the truth is, He is protecting you. God takes away the things that you think are important, but in the end, it will lead you to suffer. He needs to uproot you on the wrong ground so that you won’t be killed by the weeds that surround you. God needs to do…
Dear God, Please give me the strength to hold on to your Promises
This life is not easy, Lord. Many times, I’m easily tempted to give up, especially when I experience pain in life. I am not a superhero who can solve all my problems. But even if I have limitations, I know that I can ask for some strength from you. So this is the cry of my heart. Please teach me how to hold on to your words, especially in the midst of the storm. I just find it so difficult to believe in your promises when negative things surround me. It seems so impossible. But even if I can’t see them yet, please give me the courage to still believe.…