God will Help you to Sow the Seed that He has given you
Prayers are not always answered according to your ways. God uses different methods to get through you and the same in teaching you. He knows what you need and want. Your prayers are never wasted, but you must remember that faith sometimes needs to be done differently. When you have faith in Him, it does not mean that everything your mouth utters will be done accordingly. But it will be according to how God knows you. Sometimes, He will give you a tiny seed to nurture. A seed that He already planted in you. He blessed you with it all this time, and He knows how you can take good…
Never Underestimate the Small Blessings you Received from God
Great things come from small blessings. If you are just faithful enough to steward the little gifts that God gave you, then He will surely entrust you with more resources. Do not underestimate what you received from Him. You may think that they are nothing compared to what you’ve been praying for, but what if God already answered the desires of your heart through the simple blessings that He gave you? What if He gave you the raw materials, and you just need to learn how to maximize them? Behind the small blessings that God gave are great opportunities. Pray for His wisdom so that you will know how to…
Love is Contagious
Love is like a seedIt will grow and prosperIn somebody’s heartAs long as you are patient enoughTo share it The good things you did for othersWill not just bless themBut it will become a driving forceThat will push themTo also help the people around them So always choose loveYes, sometimes it’s not easy to do itEspecially when you experience painFrom someone you deeply cherishAnd treasure from within But know that what you are doingWill never be wastedLove is contagiousOne day, you will see the fruitsOf all your tears and pain When you loveYou always winSimply because God is loveIt means thatYou’ll experience victory in His arms