
When Anxiety Attacks

If you feel so scared
Then always remember this
God is always with you
He will never abandon you in this season

He will never forsake you
So trust in Him
And do not be afraid to move forward
Things may be different
But God will never change

He will stay faithful to you
He will keep His promises
So do not be dismayed
Rise up and start living this life
without fears

Let His love give you the assurance
that everything will be okay
Things will be better
Simply because God’s plans
will always prevail

Choose to increase your faith
Do not worry
Because He will be with you
along the journey

People may change
But God is the same yesterday,
today and tomorrow
Believe in His goodness
Receive His mercy and grace

God will give you enough strength
His grace will sustain you
in this difficult season
Do not lose hope
He will always be there to help you

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