• Faith

    Jesus Will Help You Rise Above The Temptations

    The enemy tried to tempt Jesus while He lived here on earth. But despite the temptations that He experienced, He overcame the evil power. If Jesus was able to do that, He can also help you win over the temptations you face. Come to Him and ask for help. Don’t rely on your own strength. Instead, be rooted in His love and allow His words to penetrate your heart. It is a sword that will fight against the lies the enemy tries to inject into your thoughts. It’s like a weapon that will lead you to victory. So when you are surrounded by things that push you to give up,…

  • His Word

    Day 465 – Luke 22:40

    On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” Luke 22:40, NIV After the last supper, Jesus and His disciples went to mount olives. There, He reminded them to keep praying. Let’s also do the same thing. Remember that temptations are all around us. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. He would tempt us to do things that would keep us away from God. And the best way for us to fight those negative thoughts is to pray. Let’s surrender our lives to God and allow Him to reign in our lives. Let’s ask for His guidance and remember that only…

  • His Word

    Day 375 – Luke 4:3-4

    The devil said to Him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written:’ Man shall not live on bread alone.’” Luke 4:3-4, NIV Jesus was in the wilderness when Satan tempted Him to use His power to satisfy His needs. During this moment, Jesus was so hungry, that’s why the enemy used this need to tempt Him to do something for Himself. Sometimes, just like Jesus, we also go through this kind of temptation in life. The devil will remind us about the things that we desire and He will convince us to seek them first rather than follow God.…

  • His Word

    Day 239 – 1 Timothy 6:9

    Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 1 Timothy 6:9, NIV Let your heart be contented and fulfilled in the arms of God. Don’t use the riches of this world as a way to satisfy the thirst inside. Rich people are surrounded by temptations and harmful desires that will possibly ruin their lives. Choose to use what you have for the glory of God. It’s okay to gain more wealth as long as you will use them to expand God’s Kingdom. Let the purpose that He planted in your heart be…

  • His Word

    Day 5 – Proverbs 5: 21-22

    For God sees everything you do and his eyes are wide open as he observes every single habit you have. Beware that your sins don’t overtake you and the scars of your own conscience become the ropes that tie you up.  Proverbs 5:21-22, TPT Our God is omnipresent. It merely means that He sees everything that we are doing. He is aware of all our actions, including our motives. He sees through our hearts, and He knows what we are thinking.  That’s why every time you think of something bad you wanted to do, remember that God is always watching you. Don’t allow your sins to consume you. Set your…