Time will come when you will no Longer Remember the Pain
You may not understand the things that are going on in your heart right now, but always remember that time will come when you will no longer remember the pain. Instead, you will recall the past and the great blessings that God poured out for you despite all the difficulties you’ve been through. You will overcome what you are facing right now as long as you stay with God. Let Him heal your heart, and He will be the one who will lead you back to the journey that He prepared for you all this time. Come to Him, and He will take good care of you. His love will…
Wait and be Patient
Wait until you get tired of sittingIn the loneliest corner of your heart Wait until you choose to rise upAnd work for what’s more important Wait until you learn to let goOf those things that are not meant for you Wait until you take a stepAnd make the most of God’s blessings Wait until you seeThe light inside of you Wait until you learnWhat faith is all about Wait until you no longer feel boredBecause you finally realize your purpose Wait and be patientYour time is never wasted Because you choose to moveAnd learned to be grateful in your waiting season
You will not Plant the Seed and Eat the Fruit on the Same Day
We all have the tendency to desire for things to happen in an instant. Sometimes, we forget to appreciate the waiting season and the process because we are too focused on the specific blessings we wanted. We forget that we can’t plant the seed and eat the fruit on the same day. It takes time to grow and nourish so that it will bear healthy fruits. So learn to wait and be patient. Mother nature already speaks to us about the necessary process that we need to go through before we experience the harvest season. Please don’t rush. Allow God to take good care of the seeds that you planted.…