• His Word

    God is Patient

    For about forty years he endured their conduct in the wilderness; and he overthrew seven nations in Canaan, giving their land to his people as their inheritance. All this took about 450 years. Acts 13: 18-20, NIV God wasn’t in a hurry. He was so patient with His people. The word that Luke used in Acts 13:18 was ‘He endured,’ meaning that God extended His understanding and love for His people despite their complaints and negative behavior. The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness not because it was God’s plan but because their hearts were hard and stubborn. God needed to teach them and walk with them along the…

  • Faith

    God is with you even in the Wilderness

    One of the difficult moments in life is when you encounter problems that you think you can’t handle. It’s when you feel like you are walking in the darkness and there’s no one there to help. It’s when your tears can’t stop falling because of the pain you experienced. It’s like walking along the desert, and you can’t seem to find any shelter. It’s what we call the wilderness. It’s not easy to face it. It feels so devastating and painful, but the good news is God is always walking with you in the midst of storms and trials. He never let go of your hands. You may not feel…

  • His Word

    Day 375 – Luke 4:3-4

    The devil said to Him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written:’ Man shall not live on bread alone.’” Luke 4:3-4, NIV Jesus was in the wilderness when Satan tempted Him to use His power to satisfy His needs. During this moment, Jesus was so hungry, that’s why the enemy used this need to tempt Him to do something for Himself. Sometimes, just like Jesus, we also go through this kind of temptation in life. The devil will remind us about the things that we desire and He will convince us to seek them first rather than follow God.…

  • His Word

    Day 361- Luke 1:80

    And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel. Luke 1:80, NIV This verse was referring to John. With the help of God, he grew strong in spirit. But He was not exposed directly to the public. Our Heavenly Father guided John in the wilderness. He was there training him for the purpose that He planted in his heart. Just like you, John also experienced moments in the dessert. But God can turn your wilderness season into a preparation. In those times, you will experience so much pain and heartaches, but trust that He is there to give…

  • Self Development

    Your deep roots will grow in the wilderness

    God will never waste your wilderness season. You may feel in pain, lost and broken, but deep inside, your roots are growing, and they are getting stronger. Your surroundings may appear messy, but He is working in your life. He is strengthening your soul, and He is teaching you lessons that will take you to a higher level. Maybe you are asking God why you need to go through that season, but take heart because what He is doing is beyond what you can comprehend. Instead of looking for answers, trust God and let Him move in your life. When the time is right, you will see the fruits of…

  • Faith

    The Gift of knowing God in the Wilderness

    The problems in your life will not always lead you to destruction. Sometimes, it’s God’s way of introducing Himself to you. Maybe these past few months or years, you failed to discover His love. That’s why you need to go through situations that will remind you who He is in your life. You may not appreciate what He is doing right now, but the moment you see all the changes, you will realize that the wilderness season leads you to know Him more, and you grow close to His heart. It will all make sense one day. You may find it hard to comprehend His ways, but God will never…

  • Faith

    If you want to Know God more, then Read the Scriptures

    Knowing God takes time. It will not happen instantly. You need to go through the process and let your relationship with Him grow stronger as time passes by. And you can only encounter more of Him if you learn to open the Bible and read His words. It takes consistency and commitment. You need to remind yourself every single day about His great love and power. You will know who He truly is if you allow Him to speak through the Bible. Treat it as your manual in life. Never begin the day without communicating to Him. Let Him be the center of your life, and you will be blessed.…

  • Faith

    God will turn your Wilderness Season into a Great Testimony

    You may not understand what’s going on in your life right now, but God will certainly do good things out of the devastating moments you experienced. He is writing the perfect story for you. So if you feel so down and disappointed because you think you are going nowhere. Just believe with all your heart that God is leading you to the place that He prepared for you. Things will not make sense for now. But take your time to process what you feel. Acknowledge the pain you feel and lift up to God all your worries and cares. Let Him comfort you in this season. He knows that you’ve…