Take It Easy, Don’t Be In A Hurry
Embrace the process and stop rushing things. Relax, and don’t be in a hurry. You will get there. We tend to miss the important things in life the moment we follow our own timeline. So treasure your season right now and make the most of it. Live in the present and appreciate all the blessings that God poured out for you. Stop focusing on your future. It’s okay to have plans, but please don’t allow yourself to entirely depend on it because things may not go according to what you have in mind. So instead of trusting on your own understanding, why not trust in God’s perfect timing?
Rushing things will lead to a lot of mistakes. Yes, it’s okay to commit mistakes, but we don’t have to face the same errors again. We can prepare for the journey and learn from the mistakes of others. And the best way to prepare is to immerse yourself with the word of God so that you will have enough wisdom that will guide you in your decision making. If you push yourself too much without enough preparation, you might end up in the wrong place. So learn to wait and allow God to guide you along the way. Listen to His instructions and choose to obey Him.
Stop comparing yourself to others. You are unique and different. Their definition of success may not be the kind of success that God wants you to achieve. So it’s better to focus on the will of God, rather than following on your own understanding. Just allow God to perform miracles in your life. You don’t have to put Him inside the box and limit His power. Give Him the chance to move and expect greater things to happen. If ever you experienced some delays, then treat those moments as part of God’s ways.
Enjoy the process because, at the end of the day, you will realize that everything is worth it not because you victoriously achieve the dreams that God placed in your heart but because you went through a long yet fulfilling journey with God. The process that you will experience is more important than the goal that you have in mind. So treasure every moment you have with Him because you can never turn it back. Don’t be so impatient to the point that you already forget the One who’s been with you all this time.

One Comment
P Jayakumar
God wants you to achieve Just allow God to perform miracles in your life you don’t have put him inside the box and limit his power Enjoy the process Thank you very much