The Best Way to Move Forward is to Let Go
You can’t take another step if your baggage is too heavy. You need to let things go. Yes, it’s not easy, and you feel scared inside. But that’s the best way for you to move forward. Stop carrying the burdens that will just hinder you from discovering the destiny that God prepared. Keep walking and choose to embrace change. It’s the only thing that’s constant in this world except for the love of God. You can’t force things to stay the same. Whether you like it or not, people are growing, and you will go through different seasons in life. And in those moments, you will also be challenged to walk in a new path along with new faces. So let the lessons of the past push you to move forward.
Release forgiveness and let go of the pain you feel inside. This may not be an easy thing to do, but you need to make a decision. If you keep the bitterness in your heart, it will be very hard for you to embrace the blessings of God. You will miss out on the good things around you if you will only focus on the pain. Just learn the lessons and keep moving. Treat them as your hard-earned treasures, which you can apply every time you will encounter problems. Look around you and make the most of every opportunity that God gave. Surrender what you feel to Him, and He will lead you to the right path.
Give yourself the chance to experience breakthroughs. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of choice. God is waiting for you to let go and allow yourself to experience exciting things. Maybe you are just holding back because you are scared that other people might hurt you again. But life is always full of uncertainties. This world is broken. That’s why there’s no assurance that you will never experience pain again. Instead of protecting yourself from greater heartache, why not focus on God’s strength and be confident enough to take another leap of faith. It’s very uncomfortable at first, but it’s worth all the risk.
Walk with God, and you will always have the courage to take another step. He will reveal to you the things you need to surrender so that your journey will not be that exhausting. He will open your eyes so that you will realize the status of your heart. When you are aware of what’s going on inside, you will slowly discover the necessary steps that you need to take. It’s an important part of the process. Just enjoy your journey with God and cast all your burdens upon Him.

Daisilyn Barillos
Yes I will keep forward now. Release the pain inside my heart.
Nathaniel Myles