The Hardest Part Of Being Honest
Honesty is like a beautiful gift that you can give to yourself. It will give you peace and relief. It’s like a treasure that is sometimes hard to find. It’s a very valuable thing that is hard to give to anyone. It takes time, experience, and sometimes, tears for us to receive it. Honesty and truth are two things that people wanted but never really appreciated.
We are living in a world where being honest means taking a risk. Maybe because people no longer value the truth as it is. Perhaps they already find temporary comfort from the lies in their head. And instead of giving an honest heart with so much respect, they took it for granted. That’s why it’s hard to share the truths in our hearts. It’s painful to pour out what’s inside. It’s because no one might understand. Or the worst thing is people might use your honest words behind your back.
It’s hard to be honest, especially when you have already tried to do it before but end up wounded. It’s traumatic. Somehow, you wanted to protect yourself. You wanted to keep the truth inside because only then will you feel safe. You tried to shut your mouth, build some walls, and hide your emotions. It’s like living your life on your own without anyone else, without love or deep connections. It’s not going to last long. While you think that you are protecting yourself, you are actually killing the real you. You are trying to hide that part where God wanted you to shine.
There is this place where you can freely share everything without being afraid of pain. You can do it in the arms of God. You can trust His heart. He knows everything about you. He won’t be surprised by the things that you will share with Him. You may have so many questions inside, but He is patient enough to wait until you learn to trust Him even when you haven’t received the answers. Being honest is hard if you are with people who never understand your heart. But with God, your secrets are safe. He will listen.