Self Development

The Hatred You Have Inside Will Destroy You In The End

Never allow the bitterness to reign in your heart. You may think that there’s nothing that you can do about it, but whether you like it or not, the hatred that you feel deep inside will destroy you in the end. When you hate someone, it’s like you deprive yourself of experiencing freedom, and it will hinder you from receiving true joy. That hate comes from the unhealed wounds in your heart, and you can’t afford to forgive the person who hurt you because the pain you feel is too much. You can’t bear the thought that you love and trusted those people who managed to betray you in the end. The life you once had started to shatter in pieces, and you don’t have any clue how to rise up and start to live again.

Hatred is like a bomb that will explode in the end, and it will not only cause trouble for others but also for yourself. It will destroy your trust, and it will be hard for you to move forward. Your life will depend on the things that happened in the past, and you will see yourself so stuck in the place that you are not really meant to stay. You built a wall around you, and the people who deeply love you will find it hard to come in. Instead of asking for some help, you choose to hide away from pain. You think that it will protect you, but the truth is, you will never find freedom unless you learn to face the painful past that you experienced.

Yes, it’s not easy to forgive those people, but the pain inside will stop you from appreciating the blessings that God provided in your life. You will focus on the negative things rather than looking at the opportunities around you. So, give yourself the chance to experience freedom. Forgive not only for the sake of those people who broke your heart, but do it for yourself. You deserve to live the kind of life that is free from bitterness. Do not hold on to the pain because God wants you to experience the fullness of His blessings.

Remember the love of God in your life. Never forget what Jesus did on the cross just to save and show you that you are forgiven. Always keep in your mind that He will never stop doing good things in your life. And the only way for you to see His blessings is to open your heart to His love. And He will heal your wounded heart. He will take away the pain, and you will learn to love Him and the people around you once again.


  • Donna

    Bitterness always turns into hate if you don’t get rid of it ASAP. I know I have experienced it too many times.

    Almost every single time it was easier than I thought it would be and I had immediate relief in my soul and joy in my spirit.

    • Teresa Walker

      Thank You again Father. I am convicted once again, and You are absolutely on time, and absolutely right as always. Thank You so much for this ministry. Every single thing they have posted to my page this day, I know, was orchistrated by Your hand to me. I have found this battle before Lord. I realize now, I have been bitter again, for years now. I confess. Please forgive me, as I forgive the ones I am bitter at, how can I see it before it gets to a “root of bitterness”. Thank You for opening my blind eyes again.