The Love Of God Will Motivate You To Stop Sinning
People say that change is very hard to do. Yes, it’s not an easy process. It’s like an invisible battle that you need to overcome. You will be challenged to make hard decisions. Sometimes, you will get tired along the way, you will lose hope, and you think you can never change your life. Indeed, it’s going to be a burden if you face it on your own. Let the love of God consume your heart and walk through the journey with Him. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. He will guide you about the best thing that you need to do. And the first step is to receive His love.
God’s faithfulness and grace will teach you how to abide in His ways. When you learn to appreciate everything that God is doing in your life, you will grow in His presence, and you will discover a lot of things about Him. Your personal relationship with God will lead you to stop the things that will not glorify His name. You will learn to love God, and that love will inspire you to do good things for Him, so connect to God every day. Remind yourself of His goodness and put Him at the center of your heart. You will never walk on this journey alone. His love will change your life.
You will stop sinning because you wanted to please God. And when you get to know His heart, you will realize that all He wants is for you to have faith in Him and serve others. Let your mind be consumed with His words, and you will never walk in the darkness. When your heart is full of His love, then you will do things that will not disappoint or hurt Him. You can only go through the extra mile if you keep your faith in Him. In that way, you will be assured that no matter how difficult the road is, you will always have the courage to fight for God.
Your perspective in life will change. He will teach you how to love yourself. You will be able to maximize your strength, and you will no longer focus on your weaknesses. God’s love will build your foundation, and only then will you learn to resist the temptations of the enemy. You will choose Him over the temporary pleasures of this world. You will long for His love more than you long to satisfy the desires of your flesh. Above all, you will choose to follow His ways, even if you will encounter hardships.

God is faithful
I really loved this one!! So love my Jesus💖👑