Self Development

The New Season marks another Lesson to learn

The new season is not always scary. Sometimes, it will take you to places where you will learn exciting things. So don’t be afraid and keep walking. Look forward to the opportunities that God prepared to help you grow and prosper. It’s going to be worth all your efforts and pain. Remember that the lessons you will learn are priceless treasures, and nobody can take them away from you. If you apply them, then you will surely reap the harvest. It may take some time, but it’s going to be so fulfilling on the inside. Know that God will never ask you to go through a new season without preparing something great and wonderful. He will reveal to you everything. So, for now, just move forward and be confident.

Take courage! Know that God is always with you. He will never leave you in this new chapter of your life. If He was able to sustain you before, then He will remain faithful to you until you realize that there’s nothing that you should be afraid of. Focus on the great adventure that’s waiting for you. Yes, there will be obstacles along the way, but set your eyes on the wonderful plans that He prepared and just cherish every blessing. Let Him lead you to the place where you will feel empowered and loved. Accept His corrections and be humble enough to acknowledge His words.

Remember that behind the lessons that you need to learn are blessings that you can’t comprehend. God wants to equip you so that you will know how to manage the resources that He will give. When the time is right, He will reveal to you the reason why you need to learn so many things first before you receive the great blessings that He prepared. It will all make sense one day. Embrace the process, and do not be easily discouraged when times get tough. It means that God is giving you an opportunity to make the right choices.

Treat God as your teacher and enjoy His company. He will not condemn you for your mistakes. Instead, He will always find a way to mold you and help you become a better person. So just like any student, expect the seasons when He will bombard you with so many lessons. When that time comes, all you need to do is treasure every moment that you have with Him. Because after the teaching sessions will be a series of exams. So while you are still learning, just make the most of your time and do your best to please Him.

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