His Word

The People That Jesus Treated As Family Are Those Who Obey God’s Word

He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.”

Luke 8: 21, NIV

Jesus said these words when His mother, Mary and His brothers came to see him. Someone told him that his earthly family was there waiting for him, but then Jesus said that those He considered as family are the ones who hear God’s word and put it into practice. Many of us would think that Jesus would give special privileges for His earthly family but in His eyes, the people that He treated as family are those who would obey God’s word.

Being close to God isn’t just about doing the religious rituals. Instead, it was about hearing God’s word and obeying it. Sometimes, we tend to focus on our church attendance, or perhaps other religious activities thinking that it would lead us closer to God’s heart. But if we fail to align our church activities to the word of God, then, it means nothing.

What’s written on the scripture was very important. The Bible is like a practical guide that would help us know who God is. And according to Jesus, those who obey what’s in His word are the Ones that He treated us His family. He gives great importance to those who have an obedient heart. He gave them the chance to grow closer to His arms.

This is a great reminder for us not just to study God’s word, but to apply what we learned. Let’s put everything that Jesus taught us in practice. It may not be an easy thing to do, and it may seem like a battle, but if you wanted to know who Jesus is, then the best way is to obey Him.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving us the chance to know you. Thank you for your love and your grace. Thank you for reminding us to follow your ways. Please give us a heart that’s willing to obey your words. Teach us how to apply the lessons that we learned. We pray for your guidance, that we may always choose to do the right thing despite the challenges we experience. This we ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.