His Word

The Stare that Leads Peter to Release the Complete Healing that God Prepared

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!”  So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

Acts 3:1-5, NIV

There was a lame man who wants nothing but a piece of silver or gold that would help him survive for the day. A man who was suffering all throughout his life, yet he already accepted his condition as if it’s how God made him to be. This was a lame man, a beggar, who thought that what he need was just money, that could temporarily save and rescue Him. He didn’t bother to ask anything. Not even complete healing.

Now, Peter and John passed through and saw this lame man doing the things he usually did. He asked for money, maybe expecting people to drop a piece of silver and go. Not necessarily pause and give him some attention. Perhaps he thought, “Just one silver. It’s what I need.” But here comes Peter and John, unexpectedly looking straight at him. Then, Peter wanted his attention, and true enough, he gave it expecting to get something from them.

I’m just imagining that Peter stared at Him, not in the eyes full of pity nor contempt. I just imagined that, just like what Jesus did, Peter looked at this lame man with eyes full of love and compassion. The eyes who knew what he needed,  the eyes who cared for his heart. Peter placed his attention on this man who was just nobody in the eyes of others. Yet, he knew that this suffering man was God’s beloved. He knew that Jesus wanted to heal him. A stare that leads Peter to release the complete healing that God prepared for Him.

And what happened next changed this lame man’s life forever. You can continue reading it in your bible. And as you reflect on what Jesus did to this man, may you never forget that God also wanted to do the same thing in your life.

You may feel like you are this lame man who just chose to ask for temporary remedies in life, thinking that it’s what you need. But Jesus is looking at your heart; He knows what’s going on inside. And one day, He will give you blessings that you can’t contain. He will heal your deepest wounds. He will restore you again.

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